Jeremy: A Nightmare
Jeremy: A Nightmare
| 08 November 2023 (USA)
Jeremy: A Nightmare Trailers

A Kafka-esque nightmare about a screenwriting professor whose life slowly unravels after he learns he may lose his job to a man who appears to him as his doppelgänger. As the Brutalist architecture of Jeremy's world closes in on him, he makes a terrible decision...

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.