James' Journey to Jerusalem
James' Journey to Jerusalem
| 31 December 2003 (USA)
James' Journey to Jerusalem Trailers

During his journey to Jerusalem young James learns the meaning of being Israeli.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
net3431 A truly great movie. James is a Christian, on a pilgrimage for his village to the Holy Land. Who lives in the Holy Land? What do they worship? He soon finds out. As he says (twice) - the people in my village would never believe me if I told them about this place - they would get angry at me. An up-to-date view of the Holy Land with a timeless story. This movie is perfect, and could not have been made better. There are no preachy political lessons here - we are dropped into the middle of chaos along with James, and we learn as he does how to get along. We see nothing of Palestinians - only Israelis and guest workers. James is a Christian in the land of the Jews, and the Holy Land is not what he was expecting. The plot flows well and the ending is exciting and surprising, with plenty of ups and downs.
tropicaldiver2001 My test for any movie, American or foreign, is that early in the film I begin to care about the characters. I did begin very quickly to care about James, although he seems too-naive to be true. He is held up in accomplishing his goal of arriving in Jersusalem through various situations, but never seems to really take the time or make the effort to get there. After all, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are not that far apart. The movie is an interesting self-criticism of Israeli characteristics.Towards the end James starts to head towards some sort of modest business success in Israel, but the movie seems to stop abruptly. I was disappointed and got no emotional payoff. I wasn't expecting necessarily a happy ending but was unprepared to have it just sort of fizzle out.I can think of better endings, such as the father, Salah continuing to give business advice to James behind his son's back until James achieves real success, or James finally taking time off, arriving in Jersusalem and being disappointed in its commercialization.
ellavi I really liked this film because it exposed something we Israelis don't like to bring out into the light: the negative consequences of not being a fryer. I think that in Israel, people are just so focused on not being taken advantage of that they often don't think about how they themselves pimp others. I also found it fascinating how James listened to Mr. Salah's bad advice and Mr. Salah listened to James' bad advice, (which led to unhappiness for both) out of trust in one another. It was really interesting that no Israeli/Palestinian politics entered the arena--it's impossible to live life in Israel without being highly sensitive to the political situation, and as such most Israeli films touch upon it in some way or another. I liked how this one didn't, though because I think that beyond Israeli/Palestinian issues, there are a lot of other problems Israeli society faces and often overlooks. Definitely a film with an important statement about being Israeli.
Jonathan Fain This movie is one of the best Israeli movies I have yet to see. It is a simple story with some good actors, and it shows the "values" of Israeli people. The main characters were acted well, yet the rest were pretty the same like most Israeli films, not professional. Camera work is plain and quality is not film, but still a good job done there. Another milestone in Israeli cinema.