Jack Goes Home
Jack Goes Home
| 14 March 2016 (USA)
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After his father is killed in a car crash, Jack travels home to Colorado to help nurse his mother (who was injured in the crash) back to health. There, he uncovers long buried secrets and lies within his family, his friends, and his very identity.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Annie Oakley I believe this could have been a good movie - IF the writer finished the story BEFORE he filmed it. The cinematography, the location and the actual idea - was fantastic. The actor who played Jack was monotone at best. I could not believe any emotions he was trying to portray, and trust me...I sincerely tried. I feel like the story is incomplete, several parts were completely wasted and could have been nurtured into a real movie. But sometimes you have to see to believe - if you are sick and need to rest and get some sleep, please feel free to watch.....And because I have to write a minimum of 10 lines.....Go get something for the headache you will have, grab some popcorn and a drink - and be prepared to be disappointed
PeopleAgianstBADMovies This movie's script would of been put to better use as toilet paper and left with the other excrement. If your going to attempt to make a "psychological" thriller at least take a gosh darn psychology course for a day. As for horror the only thing scary about this p.o.s. is the possibility of the writer/director making more movies. If anyone working on this film had any actual real life experiences outside of smelling of their own farts we could of had a semi descent watchable movie, but alas we have this instead. People Do NOT forget traumatic experiences, they are burned into your very soul, when your whole life is based on one you ooze it out of your every pore.
Lou2413 The downward spiral into madness Jack Goes Home tries to imbue falls short. What's left is a disjointed film wondering what it wants to be.While I do agree we get to see a different side of Lin Shaye from what we see in the Insidious chapters, I felt her performance to be over the top and wrought with cliché moments à la Mommie Dearest. Rory Culkin gets everything thrown at him including the kitchen sink, yet never deviates from the mouth agape, detached look expression he sports throughout the film. His acting skills are far superior to what we see play out during the movie.Natasha Lyonne makes a cameo appearance at a receptionist desk. It makes you wonder if she said her four lines as a favor to Dekker. Fortunately for Lyonne, she can make a desk look good. It's unfortunate for us that we only get a glimpse of her.On a positive note, there were a few creepy scenes any horror fan would enjoy. And it was also a beautifully shot film. There was enough glimmer of hope buried within Jack Goes Home to make me interested in Thomas Dekker's next move as a director and film writer.
HorrorOverEverything "Jack Goes Home" is a psychological Thriller (with some horror elements) about a boy named Jack (Rory Culkin) whose dad is killed in a car accident, after hearing the news he returns home to help his mother with the funeral and cope with the whole ordeal. As Jack struggles with the loss of his father he starts to notice strange behavior from his mother while also attempting to uncover possible secrets that his parents have been hiding from him for years. I thought the plot line was interesting enough, unfortunately the movie does a poor job of developing and delivering it. The movie is essentially about a man's struggle with the loss of his parent and his own mental instability. I like movies that dig into the human mind and really focus on one individual slowly losing it, however "Jack Came Home" does a very poor job of pulling that off. Jack is a pretty unlikable character from the get go, he's emotionless, dull, and really has no interesting character traits so to be honest I really had trouble watching him mope around and complain about everything for almost two hours. Jack's mother (player by Lin Shaye) is an interesting character and makes for some of the more interesting scenes in the movie, unfortunately she isn't featured that much.The movie tries to keep things interesting by throwing in a little bit of mystery but again they just do such a poor job of developing it, by the time big reveals are made you will have likely figured everything out and be bored with it. I saw the final twist coming a mile away, so much so that I kept telling myself maybe that wouldn't be the twist since it was so predictable. I feel like they had the right idea in a lot of places but then just completely dropped the ball in the points that mattered most. As far as indie horror movie goes "Jack Goes Home" is far from one of the worst, even though it's barely a horror movie, but it is definitely not anything to write home about. It's predictable, drab, and pretty dry overall.