Jack Be Nimble
Jack Be Nimble
| 15 September 1993 (USA)
Jack Be Nimble Trailers

Jack and Dora, abandoned by their parents as babies, are desperate to find each other after years of adoption. Jack's young life has been spent with a sadistic family. Dora, whose life has been somewhat better, has developed extra-sensory powers which tell her that Jack's in danger and drives her to search for him.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
zarch-3 Part fairy tale part violent retribution cruelty rears its ugly head here from the start and doesn't let up it's unrelenting death grip until the final frame. Jack and Nora are two siblings who become separated due to the negligence of their parents and discover they both possess psychic skills which they proceed to apply to their situations. How they put their abilities to the test is connected to their home environments and each other in complete contrast. Poetically filmed in new Zealand this is a very interesting and dark little tale where everything goes desperately wrong. It's gruesome but beautiful all at once, highly recommended!.
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~Jack Be Nimble can be summed up in one word: weird. This is a strange import from New Zealand revolving around twin siblings who are separated at a young age. One leads a decent life while the other, Jack, is tortured and belittled by his adopted parents. This humiliation leads Jack (played by Alexis Arquette) to build a machine in metal shop that allows him to kill his new parents in particularly nasty ways. Don't worry, these people had it coming. He then sets out to find his long lost sister. I would have been very pleased and fulfilled if the movie had ended there. But it doesn't. Jack finds his sister and runs into a whole new set of troubles to kill, er, deal with. If you enjoy a good abnormal creepfest, this won't disappoint you.
mattkratz This is a slick, weird film about a guy who gets gruesome revenge on his abusive family and sets out to find his sister. I thought it was okay, and Leonard Maltin gave it a good review, but you will need to see it to get your own opinion. Watch for New Zealand actor Bruno Lawrence as Teddy. ** 1/2 out of ****
OJT This fantastic film is an adventure based upon an old fairy tale with the stepmother and three gruesome step sisters. But Jack will be taking his bloody revenge.Our film club featured this, and all the viewers were astonished. It's brutal, it's beautiful, it's sparkling with splatter and horror ideas. A true classic, and hidden gem! A complete movie of of vibrant colors sick ideas! The use of colors are greater than David Lynch manages in his films, and reminded me in that way of Blue Velvet! You really don't know what you've been missing out before you see this! Go head over heels to get hold of this one! Though it deserves to be seen at a large screen, or preferably in a cinema, though that might be difficult for most.This is one fine example of how great New Zealand cinema scene is, and I'll without any doubt consider this as a classic but refined gore, which should inspire many.So get gold of this must-see film! But, of course... be nimble!