Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
NR | 02 December 2001 (USA)
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story Trailers

Jack Robinson is a wealthy business man with no time for anything but work. However, a family curse is looming over him - no man in the Robinson line ever lives past the age of thirty. With his upcoming birthday appears the remains of literally giant skeleton and a mysterious woman who claims to have once known the giant. Jack decides to go with her to another world where all is revealed to him along with the story of his ancestor, the original Jack and the Beanstalk. In order to save his own life and the world of the giants, Jack must right the wrongs of the past and return the magical harp and goose that lays the golden eggs to their rightful home.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Executscan Expected more
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
lkemilai OMG did I wait for the movie to end. The tempo of the movie is very slow and events unroll boringly. This may very well have been a magical TV movie but for a movie to watch in one sitting there is no action or drama to keep you awake. You just sit there hoping that there was a climax on the way and it never comes.Of course this was a family movie, too, so I know I shouldn't have expected black humor or scary thrills.In many places the script isn't transparent... you kind of start to think of the writers' motives on including a twist in the plot which isn't good. It just wipes away the movie magic.The actors could've tried harder as well. I know they were making a movie about a fairy tale but this was supposed to be the "real story" so a bit less overacting would've been good. Many of the characters seemed unnecessary, like the pantheon in the trial.I liked the cheating and conniving ancestor, though. He was a nice touch, worth 1 point, 1 point comes for a good idea and 1 for the investment in fantasy.
andy_shorrock Well that's 4 hours of my life I'll never get back. Shame really as it's a good idea for a film. If only it'd been 2 hours rather than 2 x 2 hours. At one point the film goes so slowly it almost stops.The fairytale of Jack and The Beanstalk was a lie based on the truth. The 15th generation son of Jack has to pay the price for the crimes of his distant relative 400 years ago who stole the goose that lays the golden eggs and the harp that plays for the goose to lay from the big FRIENDLY giant.The land of the giants has suffered terribly, crops have failed because the harp isn't there to play the special music and the climate has changed because the golden eggs where burned in a furnace to power the climate of the land.As I say, nice idea but tooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooong!
gsteve I thought that Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story was a fantastic film. In terms of editing and cinematography, Hallmark is fast becoming well - known as producers of quality films that revitalize the old classics. Now, in terms of content, "Jack" was a film that I would take my 10-year-old to see in a theater. Because despite one bed scene when Jack (the forbearer of modern Jack) abandons his beanstalk beauty, I think the film really does well at showing what could have happened after Jack cut down the beanstalk.I liked how he built an empire with the goose's eggs. Very intriguing. Of course, nothing I have typed here is a spoiler. In terms of drama and conflict, the film does exceptionally well. Not only does Jack have to answer for the sins of the father, but he must survive in the aftermath of his short stay in the city in the clouds. But I really like what the story teaches about morals and telling the truth; about compassion and doing what is right, for the sake of living a life of integrity and courage.I would say two thumbs up, but that might violate someone else's copyright. So, I'll say Well done, Hallmark. When can I submit my application to be one of your film writers?
jandv-galt This is an excellent version following the consequences of Jack's actions many generations ago. Re-working of tales proves their existence as timeless classics. It is a terrible shame this is not available in book form. As a teaching aid this would be a fantastic opportunity to get children thinking of cause and effect. Criticising literature is always a difficult task. This version of events brings in another perspective of the tale, making Jack the villain, the dishonest thief making a good living from the riches of the 'Giant Kingdom', and the Giant being a kind hearted man who was originally simply protecting the riches of the kingdom preventing it from destruction. Does the author of the original tale intend the reader to interpret the story as such? Are these details omitted, leaving to reader assumption? Any comments would be gladly accepted.