| 28 March 1967 (USA)
Ironside Trailers

Citizens of San Francisco are stunned by the news that Robert Ironside, the city's hard-nosed, tough-talking chief of detectives, has been shot and left for dead while vacationing at his friend the Police Commissioner's rural retreat. Ironside survives the murder attempt, but the bullet has damaged nerves in his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Unable to gain reinstatement as chief of detectives, Ironside gets permission to continue investigating criminal cases as a citizen volunteer. With the assistance of two former protegees, Det. Sgt. Ed Brown and Officer Eve Whitfield, and a newly-hired aide/driver, Mark Sanger, Ironside sets out to solve his first case as a civilian by finding the people responsible for the attempt on his life.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
bob the moo While on his first holiday for about 25 years, tough Detective Ironside is shot and left for dead at a remote farmhouse. He survives but is disabled – never able to walk again. The city is shocked and the news media enjoy the opportunity to show how the hardnosed man has been softened. However Bob Ironside is determined not to be trapped in his chair and volunteers to work within the police department, taking his own case on as his very first. With the help of Mark Sanger, Ironside is mobile and out to show the criminal element of San Francisco that not being able to walk has had no impact on his tough approach to life.On the basis that this pilot spawned a television show that still is famous decades later, I decided to give this film a try (despite not really remembering the TV show itself). What I found was a fairly standard television cop show from the period, complete with tough detective who tells it like it is and wants justice done. None of this surprised me and although the film does have an investigation to follow, the majority of the film is just about showing us this tough character, his methods and the little cracks in his character that will be explored over many series to come (in theory). This in itself wasn't enough for me because I wasn't watching the start of a series, I was watching a film that had to stand on its own. The investigation itself involves picking through old enemies of Ironside while building this very basic character – a character clearly designed to appeal to those who did not appreciate the relaxed morals and apologistic nature of sixties youth. Suffice to say I didn't think it worked as a detective mystery and generally it wasn't delivered that well – not helped by the TV direction and the bewildering use of large numbers of fast edits in scenes that just didn't need it.The cast are pretty standard. To me Burr is only Perry Mason simply because it was his Mason films that I grew up with. As Ironside he is a simple tough character who is as much a caricature as a person – the only thing it did do was make me wonder how Ironside would view Burr's personal life! The support cast are just filler with nobody really doing anything of note. Mitchell works reasonably alongside Burr but his character isn't convincing; meanwhile the only other person that stuck in my mind was someone listed in the final credits called "Eddie Firestone" who played a character called "Wheels" – not that funny but it amused me enough to remember at least.Overall a fairly standard television cop show that has much about it that has dated. The plot is average at best and didn't really engage me while the main character was a simply thing that seemed designed to appeal to the "stay at home and watch telly" demographic that didn't approve of the relaxed morals of the sixties. Worth a look if you liked the TV series I suppose but probably not good enough for the casual viewer to bother with.
BJJManchester The pilot for the long running(1967-1975)TV crime show,with the irascible,wheelchair bound chief of San Francisco police,Robert Ironside.After years of playing villains in Hollywood movies,Raymond Burr oddly became a major TV star with this and 'Perry Mason'.The film is well-directed by the under-valued James Goldstone and nicely photographed,admittedly on rather studio-bound locations.What only really grates is flashy editing by EW Williams.The various plot strands and sequences(angry black youth treated sympathetically by Ironside,the chief victim of a revenge shooting,San Francisco's hippie culture)are interesting enough without the editor having to cut frantically and wildly;some cuts last but a few frames,and it often has the feel of a TV commercial for breakfast cereal!These irritations aside,Burr's dominant portrayal ensured a highly successful TV series that aired until the mid 70's,and as a bonus there's a highly unexpected and bizarre turn by cultish singer Tiny Tim during Ironside's investigations!
m_finebesser This 1967 TV-movie captured the spirit and substance of mid-60's San Francisco far better than anything essayed by big budget Hollywood. Goldstone's use of music and cinematography and choice of backgrounds are all superb. The script is taut, witty, fast-paced, and wise. The dialogue is completely credible. And, the acting of the team was so complementary that the series based on this movie ran for six years. But make no mistake, if no series ever followed, this remarkably taut character study would stand on its own merits.
rollo_tomaso Given that this movie takes place in Mid-60's San Francisco, even though I had remembered loving it many years ago, i thought it would probably seem dated now. Instead, it seems more relevant than ever. The characterizations of ever major and minor character are outstanding. Raymond Burr is masterful as Chief Robert T. Ironside. But even characters who have four lines have dimension, are well-acted, and memorable. This is as good a mystery as has ever been made for TV. If you get to see it, you are in for a real treat.