Iron Doors
Iron Doors
| 17 March 2010 (USA)
Iron Doors Trailers

A young man must escape from a mysterious locked vault before he dies of dehydration.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
mark_sparkes This film was not as terrible as some reviews make out and is well worth 80 odd minutes of your life. It was never going to win an Oscar but then neither are thousands of other far less worthy pieces. You know by now the plot from other reviews so you also know it's a story of symbolism. I love mysteries and that's what keeps you watching. The quality (acting, script, filming making) is strong enough to keep you wanting to know what's the out come. I've seen enough films that provide NO ending at all or the very obvious one where the character just dies as he would in reality. That would have left me annoyed!!. Just a couple points I would have liked a clearer explanation of though. I know it had a meaning, but the not looking and backing up to the doors to open them???? And another point no one mentioned. How did he get on top of the cabinet and WHY? Thinking about it, one area for improvement would have been a tighter, more realistic script. Some points are just not right and would not have taken much to put right. For example he's far more likely to have tipped over the cupboard than go to the bother of climbing on top, and would he really have started drinking urine after just a day. I know I wouldn't. Anyway, a little improvement and an OK movie.
arjayac This movie wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 80 minutes long.Long story short, this is kind of an experiment of two people, a man and a woman, from two different worlds. A french man and an African woman. They get trapped in separate vaults only to find their way to each other sometime in the film. They struggled to survive and they tried their best to escape but to no avail. Towards the end, their libido caused them to make love and Voila! The iron door unlocks itself to paradise.What's the experiment? Let's call it Project Adam & Eve.What do they want them to do? Reproduce.And that's about it. That's all there is to this film. It shouldn't have been longer than 10 minutes in my opinion.
tanweth Okay .. so we got a variation on the Cube .. guy in a room .. breaks into another room .. now we have guy and girl .. on the brink of dehydration and death .. vault door opens .. and .."Toto. We're not in Kansas anymore." Obviously they are no longer on earth .. but these two have ear to ear grins like they just reached paradise.The end.Senseless movie. Why 2 stars? Only because the cinematography and acting was good. (Although the new scene they enter into at the end looks like a back lot paint job with animation added.) I think the only reason for this movie was for a tax write off. It should never have been shown .. but then perhaps the tax code requires that.
mario_c IRON DOORS is a low budget film that is clearly based in movies like SAW or CUBE. In fact it really follows their concept but it also provides some new and interesting ideas which I appreciated, I must say! The plot is very straight to follow as it begins with a man closed in a room, waking up and not knowing how he got there… So far nothing new, we all have seen it in CUBE! Anyway, at first he thinks it's just a joke from his friends, but soon he realizes it's not a joke! The novelties in the plot start when he can make a large hole in the wall and pass to another room! There he finds a black woman that is in the same situation than him, but she just… can't speak English! The movie turns funnier with this character. They make a nice couple! The plot doesn't develop a lot more until the end, where it has a nice disclosure! I appreciated this movie. It's not too original but it ends being entertaining. Score it 6/10.
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