R | 13 October 1992 (USA)
Interceptor Trailers

A U.S. Air Force officer tries to stop a murderous group of terrorists who are trying to steal two top secret F-117A Stealth Fighters from the cargo hold of a gigantic C-5 Galaxy Transport flying at 30,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean.

YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
hwg1957-102-265704 Another one of those baddies captures a plane (or ship or train or building) and only one lone and loose hero is present to take out the villains kind of movie. Captain Christopher Winfield after a bad incident with an experimental F-117 in Turkey is ordered back to the U.S.A. It just happens that the plane he goes back in is a massive C-5 Galaxy that just happens to have two experimental F-117s on board and a small crew including obvious love interest Major Janet Morgan who captains the plane. The well armed bad guys absurdly board the C-5 down an aerial refueling boom (!) with the intention of stealing the F-117s and selling them for zillions of dollars. Then the action is let loose.It's not bad, it's not great. Andrew Divoff as Captain Winfield is adequate. Better are Elizabeth Morehead as gritty Major Morgan and stealing all his scenes there is Jürgen Prochnow as the main culprit Phillips. The rest of the indistinguishable cast, plane crew and terrorists, are mainly there to off each other. There is some plot device about flying a real plane using virtual reality headsets but it could have been dropped without affecting the film.Worth seeing mainly for Jürgen Prochnow curling his lip villainously.
HollyWierdo A C5 transporter is taking off from Adana, Turkey. The tower instructs the pilot, "Report skies are cloudy at Diego Garcia and clear all the way to California. Airborn refueling with your tanker at 2200 hours over Borneo." Why Borneo? The shortest route from Turkey to California is over northern Greenland---about 7,300 miles. Even avoiding the airspace of the former Soviet Union it is less than 7,500 miles. By way of Borneo, the trip is about 13,600 miles.After being denied fuel by hijackers, the pilot is forced to reset her course as dictated by the lead hijacker: "The new heading: 3 6 degrees south, 4 5 west." Is that some new fangled way of giving a compass heading, or is it a destination off the coast of Uruguay? A short time later, the plane is over the northern coast of Australia. Given the light load (about 1/4 capacity), a C5's range is about 6140 between refuelings. It can barely reach Borneo; a detour to Australia would be more than a thousand miles beyond its range.As for walking away from landing an f117 within walking distance of an arbitrarily chosen spot in North Australia, come on!!!!!!!!!
ralphb-3 In reality this is a fun movie. It is a simple good guy vs bad guy story. During the story you learn just how bad the "evil" guys are. By the final scene you can find yourself cheering the good guys.On the other hand,If you have any knowledge of military aircraft you must suspend a "lot" of disbelief. I was in the U.S. Air Force and stationed at Dover AFB at the time this movie came out. For those that don't know, Dover AFB is the home of 48 C-5 Galaxy's. When this move was released it ran in our break room nonstop for two weeks. In spite of all the jeers about the errors in the aircraft we still found ourself clapping at the end of the movie. I only wish it was my aircraft that was blown up (70-00452)In the end I don't really view this movie to be a military film, but rather a story of a hero overcoming adversity. The setting of a military aircraft just makes it a convenient way to tell which side is which.
Royce-5 That's about it.Okay, okay. The plot, such as it is, goes like this: Our hero is a USAF pilot testing a "Virtual Reality" helmet in an F-117 over Turkey. It fails, and he barely has time to bail out before his plane crashes. Disgraced, he's sent home packing, along with the two remaining VR F-117 prototypes.Why are they testing it over Turkey? Why not Area 51? Why not *anywhere* in the United States? Because the long flight home means that the terrorists, led by "Das Boot" kapitan Jurgen Prochnow, can board through an air-to-air refueling line (!) and make a grab for the remaining two planes.You can figure out the rest. Our hero must sneak around the conveniently large ductwork of the C-5 transport, offing terrorists one by one, while the love interest ('scuse me, the C-5's pilot) keeps trying to kick bad guys out of her cockpit and call on the radio for help.There's absolutely nothing innovative about this movie in the slightest. The action is mundane, the characters are cardboard, and the technical goofs are legion. Watch it only if you feel like having an "MST3K" party at your house.Or rent "Air Force One" and have a double-feature.