Interceptor Force 2
Interceptor Force 2
R | 30 November 2002 (USA)
Interceptor Force 2 Trailers

In the not too distant future a new team of specially trained government soldiers called an Interception Team contend with the latest hostile alien encounter. When an alien scout ship crashes in eastern Russia, Sean Lambert and his elite force are dispatched to investigate. They come face-to-face with a seemingly invincible seven-foot tall, shape shifting foe hell-bent on blowing up a Russian nuclear power plant in an effort to destroy mankind through a nuclear winter. The stakes become personal when the alien discovers it was Lambert who killed its mate four years ago (Interceptor Force). A major battle ensues as the Interceptor Team look to save the Earth from alien annihilation.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
lilacwinejunkie In a word, fun. This movie is not deep or meant to make you think - but its completely enjoyable. The supporting cast is surprisingly good - especially Elizabeth Gracen and Adrienne Wilkinson. They both rose to the challenge - and surpassed the writing they were given. The special effects were better than I expected, given the lower budget - and the outdoor scenes were quite beautiful - filmed in Eastern Europe somewhere. I would recommend it to people just looking for a good time. Check out the DVD for out takes and some hilarious special features.
xenatorres The first "Inceptor Force" was a horrible movie. I'm shocked anyone even discussed making a sequel, let alone made one. Olivier Gruner is perhaps one of the worst actors alive. He has no business being in the business, let alone to star in a film.Thankfully he does have a good supporting cast behind him, which does help to salvage the movie. I enjoyed Elizabeth Gracen's performance, despite the film's need to take the tough female soldier and have her be the one who breaks down and stars to freak out. It made no sense to make this hardened soldier be the one to freak out when the movie had a built in character who could logically freak out, Dawn DeSilvia, the scientist, brilliant played by Adrienne Wilkinson, though, I will admit, it was less predictable to have the scientist get to be one of the most collected characters.
god_hammer13 this really isn't a good movie , even considering the low standards of Olivier Gruner and the fact that this is a B film. it's still not worth watching. This movie makes itself hard to be taken seriously with the over-the-top looking guns and the non-existent romance between Olivier Gruner and Adrienne Wilkinson , wow we totally say like two things to each other throughout the whole movie so that means that we have some sort of deep bond at the end. Even though this is a sci-fi this movie lacks a lot of realism, one example of this is when a man wearing a protective suit enters a nuclear power plant then our hero's enter with no form of protective clothing at all, there is also a whole bunch of other small mistakes too many to write. another thing i didn't like about this film was the plot , this movie doesn't know what direction it's heading at first your think it's about a shape-shifting alien hell-bent on revenge then halfway through the film we have some nuclear bombs or something. Anyhow the plot is really lame.3 stars
Miss_MiChiMi I have been a fan of B movies since childhood. So, I have watched enough of them to know when a movie is a good B movie and just plain pathetic. I have to be honest and say that Sci Fi turns out many sub par, uninteresting movies. Some of those movies are poorly made carbon copies of good movies.I saw the first Interceptor Force and thought that it was pretty good. I don't know what happened here, but this was just lame. Interceptor Force made me an Olivier Gruner fan. This movie almost changed that. The CGI effects were good considering this was a low budget film, but the plot was so thin. At least Olivier provided eye candy for the girls and Elizabeth Gracen kept the boys happy.If you are an OG fan, this is not the movie to watch. He does have good ones, but, do not look for them on Sci Fi.