Intent to Kill
Intent to Kill
| 31 March 1959 (USA)
Intent to Kill Trailers

While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
blanche-2 Jack Cardiff does a good job in his directorial debut, 1958's Intent to Kill, starring Richard Todd, Herbert Lom, Betsy Drake, Warren Stevens, and Lisa Gastoni. Lom plays a South American leader who has entered a Canadian hospital under the name of Martin; however, that doesn't stop a group of assassins, headed by Warren Stevens, from getting the details of his stay and trying to assassinate him. The goal is to have the doctor in their gang inject him with an air bubble. It doesn't quite work out as they hoped.Richard Todd plays his doctor, Dr. McLaurin, an unhappily married man who is in love (platonically for the moment) with a nurse, Nancy Ferguson (Betsy Drake).Though this is a British film, it's set in a hospital in Canada, and is reminiscent of the film Crisis, which starred Cary Grant. The acting is good, particularly from Lom, and the camera work, no surprise, is interesting.The best scenes in this film, in my opinion, occur at the end, when there is a confrontation on a staircase, an intense and exciting scene, very well done.Entertaining with some nice twists and good elements.
edwagreen Taut thriller where a South American dictator, who was nearly assassinated,comes to Canada to face surgery after having seizures. Of course, there is a plot within Canada to finish him off. The guys involved in the plot have been hired by those against the man, and they have an inability to get along with each other.An interesting point in the film is the idea that the doctor, a very good Richard Todd, and the dictator, Herbert Lom, both are having marital difficulties. To add to the plot, the dictator's wife unknowingly is involved with an official from the embassy of their country who is involved in this new assassination plot.Alexander Knox, who was so good and robbed of an Oscar 14 years before in the memorable "Wilson," co-stars in this film as a Dr. Gillespie type-only he is realistic and is willing to take advice and follow through.The plot twists are excellent. Betsy Drake, who always seemed to mouth those lines with her throat, is great as the female doctor who Todd really loves. He is married to a status climbing woman who wants him to come to England where there is more money opportunities. He is a dedicated doctor who wants to stay where he is.The ending shooting spree in the hospital is exciting under excellent direction of Jack Cardiff.
sol ***SPOILERS*** Nice little sleeper of a crime/suspense movie set in cold and snowy Montreal Canada that has to do with the head of an unnamed South American country being secretly slipped into Montreal General Hosptal to have a life saving and very delicate brain operation. This after getting medical treatment back home, after an assassination attempt on his life, that didn't detect a massive blood clot on his brain that can eventually kill him.Jaun Medna known as both the peoples and peasants champion back home is given the name of Martin to hide his identity as he's admitted into Montreal General for emergency brain surgery. Unknown to him and the hospital staff the opposition party who hate Menda's guts are planning to do him in before he's ever operated on.Getting this trio of Canadian hit-men to do the job for them, at $50,000.00 apiece, those opposed to Menda staying alive have his top lieutenant Francisco Flores keying them in on his boss', Juan Menda, whereabouts in and out of the hospital and relaying that information to the head of the hit squad Finch and his two associates Karl and Boyd. Francisco, who considers himself to be a great Latin lover, who besides wanting Menda out off the way for being against the ruling class back home is also very much interested in his beautiful and spoiled wife Carla. Francisco want's to start up a hot and heavy relationship with her which he wouldn't have dared to do with Menda being alive and in control of the country.The movie "Intent to Kill" also has a double plot to it that has nothing to do with Menda's health and those who want to make him very unhealthy, or dead with his doctor at the hospital Dr. Bob McLaurin having trouble with his wife Margaret. Margaret wants him to quit his job and move back to London England where he can be a doctor to the rich and famous in preforming cosmetic surgery and make three times as much money as he does in Montreal General. Margaret threatening to expose her husbands affair with his fellow surgeon Dr. Nancy Furgerson has Bob losing his concentration and almost causes him to mess up his patient Juan Menda during the brain operation he preformed on him. That caused Bob to almost do the job that the opponents of Menda paid Finch and his hit-men to do.Menda recovering from his operation, that was deemed to be a complete success, is uncomfortable with his wife Carla not getting in touch with him. He smells a rat in both her and his top aid Francisco either playing around behind his back or working together with his enemies to do him in. Being the pragmatic and street wise politician that Menda is he's more then proved right, or at least half right, by the time the movie ends. The hit men who are out to knock off Menda are stymied when he correctly insists to be moved into another room, seeing that the room that he's staying at has a fire-escape. The killers end up killing the wrong man Hardy, who's also one of Doctor Bob's patients suffering from a slipped disc.Hardy's death, the first man to die in Montreal General Hospital while being treated for a slipped disc, sets off alarms in Doctor Bob's head as he senses that he was mistaken for Menda. Doctor Bob then gets in touch with the Montreal police to send a man over, Sgt. O'Brien, to guard him day and night until he's put back on a plane to take him back home. But the hit-men team not wanting to leave empty handed, without their $150,000.00 for knocking Menda off, are now more then ever determined to finish their job that they were hired to do. In their haste they end up screwing themselves, not Menda, up.Wild and unbelievable final with the three hit men Doctor Bob and about a half dozen Canadian Mounties having it out in a wild shoot-out in the hospital corridor that turns Montreal General into a free fire combat zone. With Boyd after knocking off his fellow hit-man Karl for screwing, like he always did, everything up. Byd is then tackled by a wounded Dr. Bob as they both crash out a hospital window with Boyd knocked unconscious and arrested by the police who came on the scene. With chaos and confusion raging inside the hospital Finch impersonating a policeman finally manages to break into Menda's unguarded hospital room only to get the surprise of his life. It turned out that Menda was not at all that sedated and naive, to what Finch & Co. were planing to do to him, but was more then ready to face him man to man with a little toy that he secretly had with him to protect himself.
francodomenico Catch this one, if you can. The acting is not that good; but, there is some comic relief in the way th would-be assassins blunder everything! Also, Warren Stevens is a Great, great actor--and, I know he did a huge amount of work in TV, but what an underestimated actor!It is an American production, and they employed a lot of Local Canadian extras---Poor idea--Canadians probably "can" act; but not in this one.Keep an eye on Herbert Lom--Awesome! Carlo Giustini is a handsome Italian actor--but, again, not a very good actor, either.It is a little dramatic with the "wife" routine--sort of a la soap opera--but, If you find see this movie--I know you will love it.