PG-13 | 26 March 2006 (USA)
Inside Trailers

Alex has a disturbing hobby of following strangers...until one night he gets caught. Instead of calling the police, the couple--fascinated by Alex's resemblance to their dead son--asks him to stay, and Alex finds himself trapped in a horrifying existence of desperation, despair, and insanity.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Michael Ledo For those of you missed "Misery" we have a watered down version. Alex (Nicholas D'Agosto) is a voyeur and not a very good one. He gets caught by a couple while in their house. They believe Alex is their dead son Timmy who has come back to them as he is held prisoner after his accident. Started out good with Alex approaching Crispin Glover type of creeper. Leighton Meester added a perky klepto character that was for the most part wasted. This is a film that is available on multi-packs which may be the best way to buy this one. Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
dramaclub01 I stumbled across this film at a video store, and decided to watch it. I absolutely adored it, flaws and all.The film is not really for someone looking for a gory slasher movie; it's more a psychological drama/thriller about three emotionally damaged people who never quite dealt with issues that they needed to deal with. I thought the actors in this film were absolutely riveting, especially Nick D'Agosto and Cheryl White.It's a slow-moving film; which adds to the palpable tension all throughout, and I like that it keeps you guessing while feeling firmly grounded in reality. The characters were deep and three-dimensional, and it was fascinating to watch their psychological neuroses unfold on screen to what I believed was a satisfying climax.
Bel-76 I wrote a review for this movie back in 2006 and apparently it was deleted (hmmm...wonder WHY). Probably because I was the only SANE person who agreed that this movie was a MAJOR stinker. In fact, it still resonates as one of the worst movies I have ever seen at the Florida Film Festival. I go to the FFF many years, and this is one of the worst movies I have ever watched at a festival. It was so bad that my husband and I laughed at how cheesy it was during most of it. AND the audience was pretty much in agreement. At one point when Timmy (or Alex) hold up the sign that says "I am not Timmy" the audience erupted in laughter. I don't think this was supposed to be a comedy, was it? Listen, I am not here to just completely TRASH this movie. I understand this was this director's first movie or whatever, however when I come and read all these positive reviews I am just SHOCKED. Are the folks reviewing this related to the director? If they are, shame on them for not telling him that the movie stunk and should not have been making the rounds at festivals. And it WON an award at some LA film festival? I kid you not my mouth is just hanging wide open in horror right now. I think I have said enough! PS: Sorry to the director, I do not know you and I am sorry that I feel so strongly about your movie. I am sure you are swell guy.
Jason Barnes As a first time director and a small budget I wasn't expecting anything amazing. But must I say it was enjoyable and there was some suspense in there. Acting wasn't the best but better than a lot of movies I have seen, it could be do to the fact of who the main four characters are, their personalities were meant to be different. I wasn't happy with the lighting and some of the shots were a bit bland, but overall I think it is a well deserved watch. The story was a great idea, and Leighton Meester character was so cute, you had to smile each time she was on screen.Hopefully he does well in the festival circuit.