Inside 9/11: The War Continues
Inside 9/11: The War Continues
| 07 May 2011 (USA)
Inside 9/11: The War Continues Trailers

Inside 9/11: The War Continues tells the evolving story of radical Islam's war against the West. Osama bin Laden has finally been brought to justice, but al Qaeda is still going strong.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.