| 16 September 2008 (USA)
Infected Trailers

A pair of newspaper reporters receive help from an unlikely accomplice in their effort to stave off an alien invasion.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tailsofthewind I'm a fan of Gil Bellows' B-movies. Life doesn't have to be so serious! Calm down, people.Then he picked up that giant syringe and... I wince every time I even THINK about that scene.Great creatures in this feature. A fun cast with whom I would not mind having a drink or two.But the syringe! Come ON! It was like in Stephen King's 'The Dead Zone' when the bad guy kills himself right before getting caught by bracing open a pair of scissors then opens his mouth with an audible pop...and then laced his hands behind his head... and then BAM! Skewers himself!But 'Infected' has aliens!!!
ApolloBoy109 Campy goofy sci-fi 'conspiracy' story with actors having a good time, aware of what kind of movie they're in. The extras who were coughing and acting sick were a hoot, and matched the style of this low-budget feature. No doubt direct from the SyFy hack machine. But hey -- campy goofy PulpFilx can be fun! It's better then most junk going through the air waves these days. Loved seeing Rossellini. So for just pure pizza fun pop this sci-fi movie and vegg. Good score and decent directing in an old story of aliens trying to breed among us earhlings. Enjoy!
barry-hughes-1 This drivel is just plain bad. The guy/girl team (ex lovers) running around trying to save the world from aliens are painful to listen to and do not even make out!They talk about their dull past relationship throughout and boy no one cares, no one wants to know ...I think the director was wanting Scully and Mulder but gets ...? Isabella rosellini fortunately for her has her head lopped off in the first Act or so and thus mercifully can take her paycheck and go home early. Former Breakfast clubber Judd (its a dud )Nelson has a role as a bearded guru / nerd that appears suddenly from nowhere and assists the drab couple to fight and prevent the alien invasion , he turns out to be one (no not just another bad actor ) but an alien ( I think?) yep , still with me sounds great doesn't it? Admittedly I fast forwarded thru most of this crud and even that was too slow !!!!! Do not waste your life viewing this rubbish . Go flush a toilet or something.
cdgb I wasn't certain if this movie was supposed to be serious or spoof. The actors were certainly hamming it up alright, but surely there should be some obvious gags for a spoof? Sadly I fear that this is a straight attempt at sci-fi.SPOILER How can the critters move so quickly when fighting each other, but s-l-o-w-l-y when fighting our hero. Why did the tiny little explosion kill everything but; the hero, his gf and all the very poorly human hosts? Howcome it took ages for the maggots to hop out of our hero but only a few moments to hop out of all the other hosts and that after he cut his arm to introduce a few drops of blood into the feeding system? Why are all the alien fellas unable to see our large hero "hiding" behind very small things? What did the gf use to crack open the mailbox? Does she carry a wrecking bar in her purse? eyebrow tweezers? The women in my house can't even open a bottle of pop without getting male help.I fell asleep three times watching this movie. Why do I insist on watching movies to the end? Don't bother with this. Even if it is free. Dross = FACT.