In the Year 2889
In the Year 2889
| 19 January 1969 (USA)
In the Year 2889 Trailers

The last seven survivors of a nuclear war barricade themselves against an attack by a mutant cannibal.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ptusler1 This is an amusing movie if only because it is so bad. The Geiger counter sound effect is just crinkling paper. The night time shots are done with a slight blue filter, but you can still see plain daylight. Just to make sure you don't get confused, though, a very loud soundtrack of crickets is played. The most interesting part of the movie is the luger with the 30-round clip. The understanding of radioactivity is laughable. The monster is wonderfully bad. I also enjoyed how people who are living in the aftermath of world destruction seem to be obsessed with the swimming pool and bikinis. But what the heck, break out the popcorn, your favorite intoxicating beverage, and enjoy the badness of this movie!
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- In the year 2889, 1967. A small family has a special rural home and provisions to survive after a nuclear war. After a nuclear war incident the home and family are faced with coping with new people and problems that threaten their survival.*Special Stars- Paul Peterson.*Theme- Teamwork and planning can overcome problems.*Trivia/location/goofs- Remake of a previous good film, 'The Day the World Ended'.*Emotion- I did not enjoy this film after seeing it's original one, 'The Day the World Ended'. The roles and casting were updated from the original film shot in the early 50's to late 60's casting; the stripper became a dancer, the hood became the dancer's manager, the prospector became a local cattleman and so on. As such, the character's were less interesting and therefore boring.*Based On- A Jules Verne short story of the same title.
siderite I've attempted to pay any attention to the film, but it was beyond me. It is an incredibly boring film that bears no relation to its own title! A few survivors of a nuclear war are cooped up in a valley where the radioactive clouds are kept at distance by an updraft from a lake. It could have been interesting if not for the incredible bad acting, low production values and the boring plot. Of course, radioactivity creates telepathic flesh eating monsters, too, and no Spiderman.Bottom line: keep away. It's not funny or remotely interesting. Even Mist3k would find it hard to comment on it, as nothing really happens. It's an hour and a half black hole.
wbswetnam If the end of the world is as dull as this movie, people will wish that they'll be at ground zero when the missiles drop instead of suffering through the fate of these actors in the making of this movie. The movie centers around a retired Navy man, his pretty twenty-something year old daughter, and a handful of unexpected house guests. They are the human survivors of a nuclear holocaust, only because the lucky location of their home somehow protects them from the nuclear fallout. However, they are menaced by mutants who drunkenly stagger around in the woods, munching on local game animals. When the game animals run out, the survivors suspect that they're next on the menu for the mutants.There's a good deal of tension and bickering among the survivors. The "good" characters are the retired Navy man (John), his daughter (Joanna), and a respectable drop-in guest named Steve. The "bad" characters are Steve's somewhat irradiated brother, an alcoholic neighbor named Tim (who's never far from his jug of moonshine), a stripper (!) and her lecherous manager/boyfriend who takes a liking to Joanna. Other cast include the monster, which looks like a guy wearing a cheap Halloween mask and a tattered business suit.Despite the movie title, don't expect anything at all to look futuristic. Apparently all manner of technological progress and fashion stand still for 922 years in this movie. The hair styles and clothes are very much mid-sixties, the house looks like a nice suburban home from the sixties, and the guns are regular pistols like what you'd expect to see from mid 20th century, not late 29th century.The eye candy of this movie is the innocent character of Joanna, played by pretty actress Charla Doherty. Tragically, Charla Doherty died of complications from alcoholism in 1988 at the age of 41. RIP