In the Eye of the Hurricane
In the Eye of the Hurricane
| 23 April 1971 (USA)
In the Eye of the Hurricane Trailers

Ruth and Michel separate after Ruth finds another man, Paul. Ruth and Paul go to her sunny, idyllic beach side villa to spend summer. They are having a great time together, and then things start happening. The brakes of the car fail, and Ruth narrowly escapes death. The driving equipment goes faulty, and Ruth almost drowns. Michel turns up at their doorstep for an uninvited social call, and Paul asks him in. Ruth suspects Michel of being the person behind the mechanical faults of the car and the diving equipment, but Paul dismisses such a possibility - but he does suggest it to Michel. Then, the heat does go up.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Red-Barracuda Despite being made in 1971, the big year for the classic-style violent murder-mystery gialli, this Spanish giallo is a throwback to the late 60's type which was less concerned with bloody mayhem and more with dangerous love triangles and deadly melodramas. Its story focuses on a woman who heads off to a seaside villa with her new lover who she has left her husband for; while there a series of dangerous incidents occur leading her to believe that someone is trying to kill her.This one opens with a cracking credit sequence full of colour and beautiful drawings. It sure gets you in the mood for another slice of top quality giallo mayhem. Unfortunately, this one doesn't really live up to this promise and pans out as a fairly run-of-the-mill psychological thriller. It's not a bad film or anything, as it has some nice photography, a lush score from Piero Piccioni and benefits from its early 70's vibes. But its story just never engages as much as it needs to and it reveals its hand quite early on so for the last half of the film there isn't even a mystery to propel events. I think the story needed to be stronger as it is pretty minimalistic stuff in terms of characters. There are only really five of any consequence, including a couple of enigmatic individuals in the periphery - a male friend from 'the war' and a female seductress. In terms of suspense, we have a car hurtling down a mountain road with faulty brakes and an incident with a scuba tank with no air. Fairly slim pickings on this front in truth and there is no real violence to speak of either but there is admittedly a fair bit of sex and nudity thrown in to keep things more interesting. I think it may be other less plot-driven details which might be the most memorable though, such as any scenes involving the swan and all the underwater sequences. In summary, this is a nice looking yet slightly underwhelming example of a giallo, still well worth seeking out if you are an enthusiast of the genre though.
christopher-underwood I was surprised but delighted to discover that although I had a copy of a copy of this somewhere, I have never actually ever seen it before. Doubly delighted to discover that this Blu-ray print is so wonderful and with a rather catchy song too, this is rather a fun film to watch. Nothing terribly violent or bloody and even the infamous skin shots are rather carefully shot but this certainly has a certain something and is a joy to watch. Jean Sorel is fine, much as he always is but the two girls are very effective and such is the storyline that we are genuinely surprised on more than one occasion. Very entertaining, made me gasp and smile.
Sam Panico Whether you call it In the Eye of the Hurricane, Lusty Lover or Suspicion, this film starts with plenty of style and 70's morality.Ruth and Paul are a new couple, but Ruth is still married to Michael, who thinks their trial separation will get them back on the same page. Ruth obviously has no interest in that — she instantly runs away with Paul to a seductive Mediterranean beach.Their love is shot in crazy colors, upside down kisses, swans in the hot tub being given as gifts, discotheques for two, making pottery together, a stone swan filled with caviar and champagne… yeah, Ruth isn't going back home.This is a film of bad memories, strange moments of a new relationship, not getting introduced to people and it feeling weird, swirling camera shots around a dancing couple ala DePalma's Body Double (but 13 years early), bearskin rugs in front of the fire (it is 1971) and suspicion.Soon, Ruth is involved in a couple of accidents; her brakes fail while driving and her oxygen tank runs out while diving for an octopus (while Paul drinks wine on the boat with his dog and pours wine all over the coral!). Ruth gets paranoid and believes that Paul may be trying to kill her. Or is it his war buddy Roland, who seems to care about Paul a little too much (and the dude has scars from a lion on his chest!)?Oh yeah — Paul even goes underwater to get her some coral, where we reveal Danielle, a redhead who is a rival for Paul's affections. And Michael, Ruth's husband, comes back to visit.Oh hey! There's Paul and Roland, just randomly shooting things in the yard. Nothing strange there! There's a great ending where Michael challenges Paul to show him how good he is. He holds up a magazine as the camera goes from the model's face to his to Ruth's. A shot rings out and it goes right between the model's eyes…and the hole reveals Ruth! What a great shot!Oh wait — Paul, Michael and Danielle are all in it together, as they are working together to kill Ruth, who tearfully listens to their plans. Ruth runs back to the house, debating calling the police, before deciding on grabbing a gun. From there on out, it's all big zooms in on the eyes and ominous music!Ruth writes a note to Paul that says that she knows he is coming back to kill her and she won't stop him. He was the man she was looking for all her life and she put all of her faith, trust and love into him. He represented her whole being, but now, she knows why he approached her. She never imagined anyone could be capable of such hatred and it all makes her exhausted. Now, she feels that she has to pay the price for her mistakes, as she has lost all of her faith and willpower. She sees this act as suicide and begs him to hurry.What follows is a selection of quick cuts — a black gloved hand with a gun, swans, red faces, worried faces and then Paul appears behind her, telling her that he was going to curl up with her. A phone call breaks the silence and the police call to say that Michael has been killed.But wait — does Ruth have a plan of her own? The dog has died and the ice cubes she made earlier are the culprit. Paul moves Danielle into their home and they begin bullying her, trying to make her confess to the fact that she murdered Michael to protect Paul. They even force themselves on her in bed in a scene that's shot more like a horror film than a romance. Ruth just lies here, mouth wide open in terror, trying to fight them off. She finally runs and hides in a corner before her ex-husband and his new love consummate their relationship.Ruth calls the police, who come with the news that Michael was killed with a chemical from Ruth's pottery supplies that she had just asked Paul to get for her. She set everyone else up to survive and walks down the beach with Michael's friend Roland as the film closes.I've read that this film steals a lot from Umberto Lenzi's Orgasmo and A Quiet Place to Kill, which I need to find and watch. That said — there are some moments of interest here and once you get past the slow opening, it all gets rather exciting.
The_Void Any Giallo fan will quickly be able to pin down where the inspiration for this film comes from, as it's essentially an amalgamation of the central plots used in Umberto Lenzi's Giallo's Orgasmo and A Quiet Place to Kill. The film even stars Analía Gadé - who looks and acts a lot like Carroll Baker, the star of the Lenzi films. Personally, I am a fan of Lenzi's A Quiet Place to Kill; but not of Orgasmo, and I'm not a big fan of this movie either as aside from a big rip off of the earlier films, it's also a trifle dull and that's not good considering the only reason I watch Giallo is for the entertainment value. The plot focuses on Ruth. Ruth has split from a husband and taken a man named Paul as her lover. The pair retreats to her villa for a bit of fun, and shortly thereafter; Paul's friend Michel turns up. It's not long before Ruth is unfortunate enough to be involved in a couple of accidents; her brakes fail while driving and her oxygen tank runs out while diving. Ruth starts to become paranoid and believes that Paul may be trying to kill her.In The Eye of the Hurricane benefits from some very good production values and a more than capable cast. Analía Gadé is good in the lead role, and credit must be given to her because the script gives the viewer no reason to get behind her moping character. She stars alongside Jean Sorel, who is suave and just a bit sinister. The film is billed as an erotic thriller, and this really couldn't be further from the truth. Analía Gadé is not particularly sexy anyway, and the plot doesn't allow for much eroticism. Obviously this description was put in place to help sell the film; but it gives the viewer the wrong impression. Director José María Forqué does well with the location shots; the sun baked central setting provides just the right sort of atmosphere for a film like this. The paranoia stemming from the central situation is the film's strongest element and it's fairly well done; the central character's handling of finding out about her lover's plot is interesting and pretty original. Overall, I wouldn't rate this film too highly in the grand scheme of the Giallo genre; it's worth a look for hardcore fans but otherwise it's better to stick to Lenzi's similar and more freely available pair.