In the Courtyard
In the Courtyard
| 02 May 2014 (USA)
In the Courtyard Trailers

Antoine is a musician. The forties, he suddenly decides to end his career. After a few days of wandering, he gets a job as a janitor. Mathilde lives in the old building in the east of Paris where he takes office. This is a young retiree, generous and involved, who divides his time between his associational activities and the life of the condominium. One night, she discovers a disturbing crack on the wall of his living room. Gradually, his anxiety grew to turn into panic and if the building collapsed ... Slowly, Antoine befriends the woman he feared to see slip into madness. Between slips and concerns, both form an awkward tandem, humorous and solidarity which will, perhaps, through this bad patch.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Paul Allaer "In the Courtyard" (2014 release from France; 0riginal title "Dans La Cour"; 97 min.) brings the story of Antoine. As the movie opens, we see Antoine, who is a singer in a rock band, refusing to go on stage due to lack of sleep or some such. By happenstance, Antoine literally stumbles onto a better gig: being the concierge of an old apartment building in the heard of Paris. Mathilde, played by Catherine Deneuve, and her husband are one of the tenants. To tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.Couple of comments: first and foremost, I picked up this movie without knowing anything about it other than it stars Catherine Deneuve, and that's a good enough basis for me. I was right, Deneuve plays Mathilde, a seemingly super-active woman who as the movie unfolds suffers from more than just that. It is another brilliant performance from Deneuve, who scored her 12th (!) Cezar-nomination (France's equivalent of the Oscars) for Best Actress for this role (she did not win). We get to many of the building's other characters, each with their own quirks and problems. The movie almost has the feeling of being a filmed stage play, as pretty much all of the movie unfolds with the building and on its courtyard. Beware: this movie is labeled as a comedy-drama, but let's be clear: there isn't much comedy, let alone laugh-out-loud moments. Rather, this movie is a study of characters, and leaves a bittersweet aftertaste, slightly more bitter than sweet.I recently picked up this movie at the foreign movie section of my local library. "In the Courtyard" certainly isn't bad, but lacks some tension and a better mix of scenery. That said, if you are a fan of foreign movies, I'd encourage you to check this out. Chances are that you will be watching in amazement, as I was, of Catherine Deneuve's performance.
ecce-platypus There are definitely some references, like crack in the wall, but the crack thing goes in a completely different direction. In Repulsion, Deneuve is over the top, simulacra of madness, here, she's a regular patient, no wild insanity thing, it's pretty ordinary, by the book. But everyone in the movie is a bit crazy, in some dark comedy kind of way. Little neighbourhood is very well depicted. Ending is, however, not very good, lost points for me. Something is missing there. But still, a nice movie. Good acting, interesting characters, some weird scenes, there's a lot of cute stuff, but that ending is haunting me. Too weak, to dry, too short, no real closure. Why?
writers_reign ... but it was written in French.Pierre Salvadori is usually a good bet to send you home cocooned in a warm glow. Like Francis Veber he likes to throw two disparate people together and watch what happens but whereas Veber does this almost exclusively with males Salvadori, as often as not, will mix the genders. Here he locks onto two people who stumble upon a mid-life crisis at roughly the same time but miles apart. Antoine is a rock musician who walks away from his band in mid-tour and immediately pre-gig. Not really equipped for any other line of work he tries his hand as a janitor and as luck would have it his immediate superior, Mathilde, is having a crisis of her own, albeit she has support in the shape of a husband. No one is surprised when the two bond and grow close although stopping well short of romance. A lot of the fun are the fruitcakes who people the building and/or neighbourhood. It's very easy to take and well acted by all hands. Recommended.
GUENOT PHILIPPE I don't regret this film I just saw this morning. A powerful and very sensitive feature that looks like a comedy at first sight, but only at first sight. It is eventually not. The unusual story of two fates crossing, two desperate souls who meet each other. Gustave De Kervern is absolutely outstanding in this offbeat - and also downbeat - character, who tries to help Deneuve's one, also is total distress. They happen to help each other in a surprising and poignant way. This story reminds me TYRANNOSAUR, seen last year, with nearly the same scheme between the two leads.Don't expect here the usual scheme of the love story between a man and a woman. it's more complex than this.I highly recommend it.