In Search of Lovecraft
In Search of Lovecraft
| 04 October 2008 (USA)
In Search of Lovecraft Trailers

While shooting a Halloween news story on horror writer H.P. Lovecraft, reporter Rebecca Marsh discovers that the "fiction" Lovecraft wrote is actually true and the creatures and cults described in his writings really exist.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
mfnmbessert-224-279128 Everything the people behind the aquarium have been saying about 'In Search Of Lovecraft' is true. The film is pathetically, awfully, terribly, horribly bad bad bad bad. Just bad. I have seen better acting in high school plays than they have in this film. The camera-work is shoddy as hell, our three main "actors" are so bad at reciting their lines, that they forget what they are saying mid-sentence most of the time. It's like they made this in their fifteen minutes spare time that they had before work everyday. If I didn't know any better, I would think that this was some awful college project done by one of our three leads, but that terrible burden of responsibility lies with a man named David J. Hohl. The only redemption in this movie comes in the form of one actor named Saqib Mausoof, who is the only person in this entire film that seems to have read the screenplay and seems to know what the hell is going on. The film is so bad that you will struggle to focus on whatever vague notion of an idea is trying to be acted out on screen. I seriously love some bad movies, but this film is just painful to watch in so many different ways. I am going to vote a 2 because it perhaps had the slightest bit of potential if all you were to do was read the synopsis on what it's supposed to be about, and because it managed to make me laugh at how god-awful it was a couple of times but please avoid this dud at all costs unless you can tolerate some excruciatingly bad filmmaking.IN SEARCH OF LOVECRAFT -----2/10.
Tzsm98 I've seen some fairly rough movies made from the characters and writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Never, until now, have I rooted for Nylarthotep. ***Spoiler*** When Amy gets sucked out of the car as the first of the major characters to go I felt relieved. Clearly, she was most deserving to be pulled out of the car. Later on in the movie I was hoping for other cast members to meet a similar fate. ****end spoiler****Here's why: Many moments of dialog are delivered as if by a high school drama understudy. Many of the lines of dialog are as if written by a junior high playwright. All Lovecraft movies have moments of exposition, if they didn't the audience would truly be lost. While they might have been effective in providing the background information they were recitations rather than acting. People talk to each other but not how these characters showed it. This movie is not without its good moments: ***Spoiler Alert*** The inter-dimensional hound coming through the door effect was first class. I liked the cockroach like things scurrying about its edges, it added a touch of this creature bringing its world to ours that is often missed in these films.****end spoiler****Sound quality throughout was quite good. The dialog was understandable and clear. It wasn't lost in background noise or mumbled.The score was constructed well. It was never out of place or intruding or obnoxious. It helped to reinforce the scenes without becoming the most noticeable aspect of them. During the titles at the beginning the score had a very Philip Glass feel to it. Lots of strings with a drive that built anticipation for what was to come.Because I enjoy Lovecraft and because I am tolerant of a wide variety of skills in movie making I watched this and enjoyed it to a point while sitting on my couch by myself. However, I have to say that about fifteen seconds after my wife sat down next to me to watch I was acutely embarrassed to have this on.I will not tell you "do not watch this". I will tell you that if you do watch it you are going to find it has some deficiencies that you are going to have to embrace to enjoy.
Jason C The horror of course being the horrid acting. The two exceptions being D'Souza and Keja. Without them I don't think I could have finished watching. Although, I guess they can't be completely to blame. The writer/director should take most of it. I was really hoping this movie would be at least somewhat good, being that I'm a huge Lovecraft fan and Nyarlathotep is my favorite deity.It's very rare that I comment on movies, good or bad. We all have our own opinions - to each his own. However, I would like to at least give a heads up to fellow Lovecraft fans. If you need 90 minutes to waste... go find some wet paint and watch it dry. You'll thank me later.
Rabh17 I found this one while cruising deep into the Netflix Horror offerings.Nope-- no glossy Hollywood production values. The special FXs are strictly small studio and the acting can be a little flat at times. . .but I did not cancel the movie and move on to something else. And many a time, I backtracked the video to look at a scene again and again.Like the storyline says, a go-getter News Reporter and her crew, out to make her name is saddled with what she thinks is a stupid, seasonal Halloween 'fluff' piece about Lovecraft. . .until she stumbles into the real secret occult conspiracy.Now you do have to be a Lovecraft Fan to willingly be taken into the story-- mainly because we all have READ the stories, but are really keen for any flick that dares to see the dread Mythos VISUALIZED on the screen. Yet at the same time, Lovecraft horror is NOT about SEEING the Evil, but the narrow dark hope of escape from something you NEVER quite see clearly.This movie makes a good attempt at keeping the story away from the pure Monster/Ichor/blood splatter creature showcase and focusing on the steadily deepening realization of the reporter and her friends that they have stepped into a dark conspiracy that will swallow them without a trace. How do they Escape? DO They escape? Give this show a little grace and leniency and just settle in for the ride. This is a nice late Saturday night flick for AFTER midnight just before you go to bed.Oh-- and yes, the annoying intern is gonna GET IT!