In Lieu of Flowers
In Lieu of Flowers
| 28 April 2013 (USA)
In Lieu of Flowers Trailers

Most love stories are about losing love or finding it. This is a story about what happens in between.

Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
selena-71096 Well to start with, the performances are very bad. I have no idea why Spencer Grammar is an actress as it is appears she has zero acting skills. He face grimaces in this film were so revolting and fake that I wanted to quit watching several times, it literally drove me nuts. I also hated her character from the start, but may be it was Spencer Grammar lack of acting skills that was irritating me big deal. So she just met this guy, literally, for the first time, and she is already lecturing him about smoking? I am a woman myself, but hate this type of pretensions, know it all women. The empty dialogues in the cafe and everywhere else and forced humor added nothing to the story. The healing group scenes were dismal and fake.Too many sad songs. In short, Spencer Grammar has ruined any potential this movie might have had. I have to give a credit to Josh Pence though, his performance was mostly good.
rstef1 ***SOME SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW. DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT PLOT ELEMENTS REVEALED*** This is a slow moving and moody indie in which two damaged people come together and help each other heal.The film has a couple very likable leads in Spencer Grammar and Josh Pence, and supporting player Nate Corddry. They come across as unaffected young actors who have better films/TV in their futures. The theme offers lots of potential chances for the script to drown in bathos, but wisely steers clear of most, opting for a more realistic examination of what it is like for people dealing with the aftermath of losing a loved one.Unfortunately the movie trips itself up by forcing pointless stock characters on us, such as the friends of Nate Corddry's character who are there to provide (supposed) comic relief from the sadness surrounding Eric and Rachel. Scripting could have been better also. A side plot involving Eric's brother on his third tour of duty overseas goes nowhere and didn't need to be included. The same holds true for the coincidence of Rachel's father being Eric's new dermatologist; contrived situations like this suit a romcom better than a realistic examination of two grieving people.My biggest problem with the film is the reveal in the final quarter of the film which I won't give away here, but which changes the entire way we view Eric. It almost sinks the entire movie. While it is successful as a surprising revelation that certain clues may have pointed to, it still destroys sympathy for Eric, and moved my star rating toward a 4.Professionally done, but a bit schizoid in its approach to the material, In Lieu of Flowers may appeal to some. It's not a bad movie, it just could have been better.
Honourable Asfi Khan The best ever movie for me . The idea was clear and unambiguous. They showed up the real feelings to live on in spite losing something worth you had before.Both of the main actors acted with great touchy instances , Bravo to the William savage . The Spencer Grammar did a fantastic and great job . The guy was too brought up some realistic emotional and his love for his stuffs very deliberation and exquisiteness . It is some sort of sequel of Before Sunset. Tremendous movie and worth watching by far . The plot and the dilemma circumcised is a great fashion . But i want to know where the RACHEL leaving for in the end .
cp-94 This was a pleasant surprise. I think I was expecting a more low-budget product but was amazed at how much they accomplished on an indie budget. I found the story felt very real. One of the most pointed thoughts for me was, whether in actual death or deep loss of a love relationship, how complicated it can be understanding who/what died......can it be only the one who past or can it just as well be the survivors of the passed? I found this exploration interesting? Does one who loses a love one to death suffer and more or less than another that loses a loved one to relational breakup? I guess it is never clear who will be a survivor to live another day. I found the energy and chemistry that developed between Eric and Rachel very engaging and as it built I was further drawn into the film. It went by quickly which is usually the sign for me that a film is very engaging or entertaining. I haven't seen either of these actors on screen before although I saw "The Social Network" which Josh Pence was in but CGI'd out to accommodate identical twins. Spencer was also very good and I expect we will and should be seeing a lot ore of both of these very talented actors. I thought the rest of the cast was also terrific. The injected humor by their friends and the recovery group participants was very well balanced to offset the deep emotional struggles Eric and Rachel were going thru. It is very much like life though. When friends are going thru these deep emotionally dark times we are all unsure/untrained how to deal with them. So our attempts at levity and distraction are injected to offset our feelings of inadequacies, our need or wanting to help them get out of their funk. In the end, it is uncomfortable for all that are around them. Again, extremely well done. It touched my heart. I recognized it for what it was for me, another of those cathartic life moments.