Impy's Wonderland
Impy's Wonderland
G | 01 May 2008 (USA)
Impy's Wonderland Trailers

A winged baby dinosaur inhabits an island in the middle of the ocean with a group of loveable animal friends. Everything changes when a dimwitted dinosaur hunter turns up and lures the creature back to captivity with rather sinister plans for his discovery.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
benjaminweber I had to pause after eight minutes because I could feel my grasp on reality slipping. I don't have the energy for a full review after watching this, so I'll just list my three 'favourite' moments. So, spoiler alert!1. A pervy ghost continually harasses and imprisons a woman in a mirror because he is attracted to her. 2. A frog is devoured on-screen. It doesn't escape, it just dies. 3. Impy, a children's character, sings Sex-Bomb on a stageThere are other moments like this as well. Just don't, it isn't worth the time it takes to watch, or the sanity it will cost you.
ulrichburke I don't know what all the other reviewers here saw or were expecting. I saw a movie absolutely BEGGING to be watched in full-on 3D, with a rock-solid storyline, Pixar-quality animation, great characterization and, above all, a true sense of FUN. It never took itself too seriously, that was its huge strength. It laughed at itself, so you could laugh with it more.I don't want to spoil one moment of this for anyone who's going to see it - so I'm not going to say what actually happens. I'm going to let you feel the magic for yourselves. Watch it with a heart full of popcorn and a child in your eyes. Watch it when you've had a bad day and it will fill you with champagne and carnival. Watch it when you want to see all the games of make-believe you played as a kid made real, somehow, and fitted into ninety minutes of roller-coaster dreams.I don't work for the company, but I beg to differ from a lot of the reviewers here. If certain sequences - you'll know them when you see them, trust me - had had the funds for full-on 3D - maybe they did, what do I know? - if it had been given the chance by a distributor NOT blinded by the word Hollywood, this film would have been a Pixar-style smash. But there is a key to it you must remember.Go into it WITH a child, and you'll come out of it AS a child, laughing like you might not have laughed for years.See it. Impey's Wonderland - innocence sugared with starlight.
KidVidGames Based on the book, which was turned into a stop-motion animation, then a live action segment in Kaept'n Blaubaer's show, this CGI sequel to the first movie is okay. The storyline is a little weak, and seriously lacking details.I saw it at a "Panda-fest" room party at a furry convention. I resisted the temptation to leave and see some of the activities outside, but it was kind of worth it, since there are some tender scenes between Urmel (Impy) and Babu, a young panda. There's no references about where Babu came from, possibly left out on purpose to build a leader for a third movie.Other scenes were not quite so tender, and I saw a few scenes that would prevent this from being distributed in American venues. One such scene is a semi-closeup of a CGI dog whizzing on a robot dinosaur. This scene cannot be cut without seriously impairing the already-weak storyline.Others weren't done too well - one of the Arab buyers was fiddling around with an ice cream cone. Was that a hint at an "Urmel Eiscreme" flavor? It's easy to get lost with a movie that's seen outside its target venue, as there's no marketing.The whale that's seen breaching at the beginning of the movie irked me, as it was doing that a few yards away from shore. Unless the island has a very steep drop where the island meets the sea, that couldn't be physically possible. I know it's a CGI cartoon, but that was unexpected.The best part of the movie was the roller coaster sequence. It's a bit fantastic in places, but makes up for the mediocrity of the rest of the movie. Too many elements were borrowed from the first movie, though.So, if you like dragons, dinosaurs and/or pandas, give this one a watch It's not too bad.
dbborroughs On the English language DVD I saw this is called Impy's Wonderland.German made animated film isn't bad, nor is it very good.Its about a year old dragon (or dinosaur with wings) living on a island with other talking animals and people who is tempted away from his island by a millionaire who needs monsters for his amusement park. The animation is uneven with it hovering around TV quality material. The plot and such is too dull to amount to much. I don't know if its the English dub or if the original German was just as bland since th copy I saw only was dubbed. There is some connection to an earlier version of the characters on a German TV show, but I don't know anything about it other than the connections I can gather up from the IMDb listings. There are better ways to spend your cash then renting or seeing this, but if you do get stuck watching it you probably won't pluck your eyes out.