Impact Point
Impact Point
R | 13 June 2008 (USA)
Impact Point Trailers

Pro Beach Volleyball star, Kelly Reyes, faces challenges everyday, fierce competitors, the press, but nothing could prepare her for him.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Nick Damian I will offer spoilers.The movie is stupid and the plot is retarded and everything about it basically is screwed up.So far today I've seen 3 movies and all of them were on the same level as this...totally retarded.With perhaps the most retarded police force in all of California, this makes for one boring, lame ass and stupid flick which should save you some time by not watching it.With senseless action and plot development - I am still amazed that with so many horrible movies being made that there is still a thriving film industry in California.
sol ***SPOILERS*** It was pretty blond and well developed Kelly Reyes', Melissa Keller, misfortune to have caught the eye of this psychotic stalker Holden, Brian Austin Green, who's obsession with the champion woman volley ball player turned from just friendly talk & chit chat to serial murder! Holden claiming to be a top syndicated sports writer gets close enough to Kelly that he even gets to have a one night stand with her in her thinking that he's both cute & harmless. He may be cute all right but he's about as harmless as a "Jack the Ripper" or "Son of Sam".Besides the usual story of a girl, in this case a very gorgeous and well staked girl, being stalked by a sex crazed control freak psycho the film "Impact Point" is just average and nothing more. But the women, that's the women volley ball players, in it are anything but. Dressed in loose & scanty two piece bikinis and with their chests almost popping out of them with every serve who really cares about the movies flimsy plot anyway. All you do is just follow the bouncing ball and enjoy yourself. We soon have Holden casing out Kelly's apartment with a number of hidden cameras watching her, dressed and undressed, every movement. The guy went so far to get Kelly's love as well as attention by running down and killing her biggest rival in the up and coming volley ball championship finals Diana Wilkes, Janelle Ruen, so she can be in and win them. With all that he did for Kelly Holden expected far more then just a one night stand from her. But when through the local police department Kelly found out what a sick and annoying creep he really was and dropped him the guy went completely not only bananas but mango pineapple & fruitcake as well!***SPOILERS*** As the day of the big volley ball womens championship game is upon us Kelley with her womens volley ball partner Jen Crowe, Kayla Ewell, go all out to win but they not only have to contend with the opposition but with the by now totally crazed Holden. Who's determined to make a name for himself making himself known to the world at large in what a deranged and over the top psycho he is. But also cement his sick and fantasized relationship with Kelly by murdering her in front of millions of TV viewers, as well as those live at the big event, and thus having Kelly's name linked with him, like December 7,1941 with Pearl Harbor and September 11, 2001 with the World Trade Center, forever and for all eternity!
kyleallen_9 Impact Point kicked major ass. I enjoyed every minute of this suspense thriller. It has a sexy beach volley ball setting and a creepy teenage atmosphere. Brian Austin Green(Beverly Hills 90210) plays a menacing stalker that becomes obsessed with a pro volley ball player Melissa Keller(Venice Underground) and proceeds to terrorize her closest friends and her teammates Kayla Ewell(Senior Skip Day) and Joe Manganiello(One Tree Hill) and she begins to work with a detective Linden Ashby(Prom Night), who is investigating a series of murders. I guess this movie delivers a good message, when you go out with a stranger, make sure he is who he says he is. I compare this movie with Prom Night and the upcoming 2009 flick Obsessed starring Beyonce Knowles and Ali Larter. This movie is hot, sleek, scary, and sexy. The girls run around in their bikinis and sweat and play some sand volley ball. It also shows what a girl has to go through to get an obsessed man out of her life. Its definitely worth checking out.
jcsmit-1 The movie didn't really do anything for me...The story was same old same old, just a different setting, with the same old psycho creep.The acting was bordering on okay but exaggerated, I don't know if volleyball players are suppose to be more annoying than cheerleaders but it seems so...Its a nice movie to watch when you're having some people over and actually just need something in the background while having a conversation... But if you want some thrills and scares, I'd think your better off renting The Little Mermaid.Some nice girls in bikini's help but the story is so full of plot holes, I'd rather watch this as an ultra-soft porn movie... But then again I don't like story lines in that kind of movies! Wait for it to appear on cable/satellite but don't pick this one up over something else at the video shop... You'd most probably regret it...