Imitation General
Imitation General
NR | 20 August 1958 (USA)
Imitation General Trailers

An officer poses as a general after the death of his commanding officer and inspires his troops to victory.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
SimonJack The Korean War had been over for five years, and Vietnam was still that many years distant for U.S. combat forces. In 1958, the U.S. and most of the world were in the midst of the Cold War that itself would escalate to near nuclear catastrophe in just a few years. Only a few movies were made in the last half of the decade about WWII after it ended in 1945. Hollywood, Great Britain and other western countries began making more films about WWII in the 1950s. By the late 50s, Hollywood began to make comedy war films. In 1957, "Don't Go Near the Water" was a Navy wartime movie that starred Glenn Ford. In "Imitation General," Ford plays in an Army film as Master Sergeant Murphy Savage. The small cast are all very good in this pleasant film that has good comedy mixed with some good action. The play and time are France in 1944. Murphy and Corporal Chan Derby, played very well by Red Buttons, are the driver and security for Gen. Charles Lane, played well by Kent Smith. When Lane is killed by German gunfire, Murphy is inadvertently assumed to be a general when a soldier sees him holding the general's steel pot (helmet). One thing leads to another and Murphy assumes the general's ID long enough to pull together some scattered troops in an area who were surrounded by Germans and cut off from their units. Action and a little mayhem switch back and forth. Murphy's actions and leadership are sure to earn the General high honors and recognition later. The men admired and respected Lane, and Murphy does a credible job as substitute. Oh, yes. The would-be romance piece of plot is included with Taina Elg playing Simone, a young French woman who speaks no English. There is no romance, really, but she helps add some humor to the film. This isn't a big war production. It has skirmishes with small number of troops. The GIs succeed in a trap and knock out two Panzer tanks. Murphy and Chan take on two more tanks by themselves with helmets filled with mud. You'll have to watch the movie to see how that unfolds. This is an enjoyable and light movie all around. It was a time – spaced between wars – when people could watch a film like this and not think about the German soldiers who were being killed.
bkoganbing Glenn Ford and Red Buttons take a mighty big chance trying to impersonate a general. It's a court martial offense if they're caught.Although the film goes overboard in silliness at times, Imitation General is a pretty good comedy from the talented director/actor team of George Marshall and Glenn Ford who also did the riotously funny The Sheepman that same year. Sergeant Ford and Corpoal Buttons are assigned and driving General Kent Smith in a forward area that gets a bit too forward and cut off from the main allied lines. They're surrounded and Smith is killed.Deciding that leadership is needed in the area Ford takes off his master sergeant stripes and puts on the late general's stars and pretends to be him. He and Buttons manage to pull it off all the time trying to avoid Private Tige Andrews who has a grudge against Ford. The action in Imitation General is fast and furious and Ford deadpans his way through another comedy triumph. Though I have to say that it should only have been so easy to take out German tanks as is shown here.Look for good performances by Dean Jones as a combat fatigue suffering soldier that Ford due to his ersatz rank gets back into shape. Also Kent Smith is very good even though he's killed off in the first twenty minutes. His performance is quite moving and it does explain why he was a beloved figure and why Ford and Buttons are doing the crazy things they are.Imitation General, a good comedy not to be missed when shown on TCM because it's not out on VHS or DVD.
bsnyder-3 Imitation General is an absolutely hilarious tale set during World War II. Glenn Ford's portrayal as a Army sergeant who impersonates an officer is well worth seeing. Supporting roles played by Red Buttons, Dean Jones and Tige Andrews add to the mayhem. This is classic comedy from the late 1950's and should be released to video for the next generation to enjoy.
tony-357 This is a great 1958 film that is very hard to find! It stars Glenn Ford who plays a Master Sergeant in the army who impersonates his fallen General to boost morale for his troops in France 1944. There is one soldier ,brilliantly played by Tige Andrews, who was once Master Sergeant Hutchmire but now Private Hutchmire "Hutch", who is out to get Murph (Ford), and knows nothing about Murphs charade to be the General. There is great humor and a lot of action. It may be even more enjoyable if you know French because they speak French some of the time when speaking to a beautiful French woman (Taina Elg - who reminds me of a French Helen Hunt) who's house they confiscate as their headquarters. A lot of fun. A true piece of Hollywood masterpiece. There is a plot to kill the Nazi's and a sub plot to not let Fords identity be found out by the only soldier who knows his true identity