If Ever I See You Again
If Ever I See You Again
PG | 24 May 1978 (USA)
If Ever I See You Again Trailers

Bob Morrison, a successful composer of TV commercial jingles, is unhappy with his lack of creative freedom in developing the definitive dog-food song. Frustrated, he heads out to Hollywood to score a movie. While in California he establishes contact with an old girlfriend.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
wmjahn This is indeed "funny": you either LOVE or absolutely HATE this movie: 40 % (!!!) of all viewers indeed give this a (10 (TEN !!) and app. 21, 22 % give this an 1 (AWFUL !), and then there's hardly anybody in between. Ain't that strange ??! (Frankly, I also don't quite get it how it ends up at low 2,8 with such a rating schedule ? shouldn't it have some app. 5-rating then ...???).Well, I saw this movie some 20 years ago on TV, some Saturday or Sunday matinée viewing and I liked it then (but then again I was a teen in those days). It impressed me enough to buy the 2 LP-set, ordered it from the USA. I have not listened to it also for a decade or more, but I can still remember the song well enough, since I played it A LOT then.Now I wonder, should I see it again and I guess, probably not. Older and of course more cynical today then 20 years ago I would probably also give it a lower rating and why spoil an old memory ? :-) I don't rate it, 'cause my opinion is not warrant anymore after such a long time since seeing it, but it was nice and it is probably one that one should see when being young ...
Marc_S Loved this movie and watch is every so often. Superb sound track that I wish was available. Good romance movie, but not too "mushy" or a tear jerker. Has a good plot which ends on a happy note. Somewhat believable. Would recommend.
Monika-5 I love to watch movies from the 1970s, especially romances, to check out the cheesy clothes, huge, poofy hair, bad disco music, etc. This and Moment by Moment, made the same year, win 1978's most cheesy romances of the year. Shelley Hack, who went on to replace Kate Jackson on Charlie's Angels, is beautiful but looks uncomfortable throughout. I've read she asks interviewers not to mention this film. Joe Brooks, who basically did everything in this movie (co-star, director, writer, producer, wrote and arranged the music), can't save the film either.Still, if you love cheesy 70s movies, you'll lap this one up!
jimbo-93 I was dumbfounded at how bad this movie is. So bad it's good. My brother thinks this is the worst movie ever and watches it over and over again for the camp appeal. SEE THIS MOVIE.