| 07 March 2002 (USA)
Idola Trailers

A story about role models and idols, "Idola" tells the tale of Farah, a lawyer and the elder sister of Nana. Trouble brews when Nana starts to idolised Elise, a popular singer, which is a big no-no for Farah, who thinks that people from the entertainment world should not be trusted, let alone be role models.

Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
wenling_1994 This movie, "Idola", is actually a quest to find out who is the real idol to each and everyone of us. It features Normala Shamsuddin (Farah) and Norman Hakim (Mukriz). It is really a touching movie, but it is in Bahasa Malaysia. Injected with some comedy, like the leg-kicking scenes by Farah and Nana, her younger sister, you will get a few laughs out of it anyway (even if you don't understand). Here's a short summary of what you will find: Elise, a popular singer, is Nana's idol. Farah 'hates' Mukriz for no apparent reason, but they soon fall for each other. Mukriz recommends that they go for a holiday together. When they get there, you can see Farah and Mukriz is really happy. They stay in separate chalets, but when night falls, Mukriz hears laughter from the girls' chalet (Nana, Farah, Elise and Melissa). He peeks in, to find Farah having a good time. It's obvious that Mukriz likes Farah. Then Elise tells Farah that Mukriz, her brother, composes his songs here. Farah goes to meet Mukriz, overlooking a beautiful scenery. Farah helps compose a song. Mukriz retires to his chalet to find his ex-wife in his bed. The next day, Farah sees Mukriz's ex-wife and goes home. A bit of jealousy there, eh? Well, if you watched the movie, you'll realize, it touches on a few important issues, like a Malay woman claiming custody of her children from her husband, who wants to marry Mukriz's ex-wife. Another one is that Elise goes against her brother to date her guitarist, who is a Casanova, having dated 3 girls in this movie. (Nana, Elise and Ruby). When Elise gets interviewed by ERA FM.,a popular radio station in Malaysia, Nana calls in and asks about Elise's relationship with Mukriz. Elise gets a tad bit too emotional, telling the listeners not to take things for granted. Like any other movie, it has a happy ending. Mukriz, Nana, Farah and Elise go for a holiday. I'm sure they'll get married if there was a sequel. I really love this movie, but its a bit too cheesy, I think. You know, the part when Mukriz uses Farah's lyrics to make a #1 hit song for Elise, then paying her? I hope you liked my comment.