I Was a Teenage Superhero Sidekick
I Was a Teenage Superhero Sidekick
NR | 09 February 2015 (USA)
I Was a Teenage Superhero Sidekick Trailers

Kid Dynamic, sidekick to Dynamic Man, quits the whole superhero racket and struggles with the transition...with finding himself. His hippy-dippy headshrinker, who insists on outdoor yoga classes during psychoanalysis, helps him find the courage to go for the simpler life he yearns for. What he comes to understand is that life isn't so simple, with or without the cape.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
slacepgh This feature movie is an original and whimsical jaunt into the genre of Superhero movies.It incorporates a human romantic plot within the Superhero context. So, the superheroes have romantic problems, which need to be solved at the human level. However, they use some New Age philosophies and techniques to solve their problems. The physician psychologist, Dr. Dent (Milena Mortati), is a yoga instructor who teaches her patient, the Superhero sidekick, Kid Dynamic (Barrett Mitchell), yoga as a method to resolve his problems. Her office is a park. These problems are initiated by a new girlfriend Kid Dynamic has just met; but they also have roots in prior relationships. The plot (and the new relationship) is complicated by the fact that the new girlfriend, Susie, has a great and demonstrative aversion to Superheroes. Kid Dynamic is on the rebound from a former superhero girlfriend, the Electric Maiden. He is also disillusioned by prior experiences with his former Superhero mentor, Dynamic Man. These issues come out as the movie progresses. In flashbacks we see that some misunderstandings have developed. The Frog King (Andre Antwan), his buddy, is not without his own romantic problems, and similarly discouraged with experiences he has had with the Croc Queen. A small scene in an alley, where Frog King is bitterly (and drunkenly) disillusioned by her betrayal interjects a dark, although authentic, note to the drama.Do both sidekicks return to the fold of Superheroes romantically or vocationally? For his future life's work, there is a surprising and fun twist at the end for Kid Dynamic. The film uses original animation sequences, which mirror their physical counterparts. The musical score is excellent. The interplay of animation and acting brings an added creative dimension to a movie that has humor, heart and feeling.
vvowell J Hanna's approach to the super hero genre was both extremely creative and smart. The use of animation and a story line that highlighted the adventures of the side kicks (instead of the super heros themselves) proved that Hanna is an able director and writer.With a likable cast, Hanna creates a world that's both incredibly real and yet somehow off kilter. I was a Teenage Super Hero Sidekick is a charming movie for the whole family.I look forward to seeing more of Hanna's films as his budgets and scripts grow from the world of super low budget independents to studio films.Well done!
Bran R I was always a huge Batman fan, but (especially when I was a kid) I was always much more interested in Robin than I was Batman. Which was the point of teenage sidekicks I think-- for kids to see themselves in the comic fighting along side the larger than life superhero. I Was a Teenage Superhero Sidekick is an original look at what happens when the teenage sidekick, Kid Dynamic, grows up and is wondering what he's supposed to do with his life. A feeling that, now that I'm older and just out of college, makes Kid Dynamic just as relatable now as Robin was to me years ago. Kid Dynamic's (or Larry's) journey is a great balance of jokes and real heart. Same goes for the hilarious scenes with Frog King and his personal struggles. It's good to see that even crime fighters can be delightfully screwed up. The animated back stories are a nice touch to building this world where superheros can believable exist, but the acting and writing really sell it. The film is well written and relatable enough that it doesn't need crazy special effects and huge fight scenes to be believable. Overall, a fun movie that looks at superhero's actual character instead of their powers.
Holly Wood I had the pleasure of seeing "I Was a Teenage Superhero Sidekick" at a festival screening and I really enjoyed it. The indie is a character study set in a world of superheroes.Larry used to be the sidekick for this world's Superman, but after a bad falling out with his mentor, he left the world of superhero-ing behind. Now he struggles to get through basic day to day stuff. He befriends an anti-superhero protester and it makes him reevaluate his life.One of my favorite aspects of the flick was that the world was clearly established within moments of the movie beginning. This is a world with heroes and villains. People with powers that do everyday things. The movie is well directed with a lighthearted vibe and a clear dramatic arc. The cast is likable and I was rooting for Larry to step up. There are cutaway animated sequences used to flashback to key moments in Larry's superhero career that look fantastic and set an awesome tone. I would love to watch an animated spin off of Larry's years as Kid Dynamic.I recommend this to anyone that wants to see a different side of superheroes.