I Was a Teenage Faust
I Was a Teenage Faust
| 15 December 2002 (USA)
I Was a Teenage Faust Trailers

15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract isn't going to be easy at all.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
PeterKurten911 I caught this movie one sunny sunday afternoon ( why do people always watch tv on dreary ones, i wonder ) with the intent of giving it some glances while doing something else. The plot, as amusing as it may be, seemed too weak to sit through doing nothing. I was right. The modern presentation of the underworld is just silly, the characters as flat as roadkill & the ending particularly weak because it had but to string the twists together. Some points make this watchable : Robert Towsend(though he's most hindered by his lines), the metamorpfosis tricks played on the Kid, and the joke during the end credits - predictable within 4 seconds of course, but still a nice effort.
Lunalovegood51 When i saw it,i like it because first of all,its basically a story about a guy that is a jerk.I love it,overall,Definitely go and see this movie,it will inspire you and captivate your eyes to the screen,lets say its just like License to drive(1988)the guy-Josh Zuckerman plays Brendan H Willy so well as well as Brendan being cool.If you haven't seen this movie,go and see it right away.I admit most girls would be jealous of Twyla day in the movie,i mean all the girls who starred as her friends were.Good Quotes my favorite-Are your eyes bothering you?because they are killing me.Go and see it,you will be surprised,how fascinating everything evolves around Brendan,and then everything changes.Spectacular.
CairPaverl Now let it be said that this is not a high quality film. But, damn, it is hilarious. It is tongue-in-cheek, clever and even mentions Canada! How can you not love Canada?Do not be fooled by references to Canada; this is a Showtime film. Its quality is that of Showtime through and through.The idea is incredibly simple and it's nothing that hasn't been seen before. It would, technically I suppose, be considered a horrible movie. I could have done the opening credits myself with Power Point. A six year old could have written more believable dialogue.Yet...somehow, some way, it all comes together and the result is hilarious. You will laugh a lot and nine times out of ten it will be at something that is intentionally funny.The characters are great in a way that Showtime two-dimensional made-for-tv characters can be. It has Morgan Fairchild as the devil's girlfriend! It has a little Jewish kid as the dork with Harry Potter glasses and a red-haired nerd as the klutzy best friend! It has a black man in a pimp hat!It is true, there are many ways you could not love this movie, but they're all stupid.Rent it. Trust me.
MovieMilhouse21 there were several hilarious parts in the movie and all the acting was excellent for basically have lesser not-so-famous stars. it was the kind of movie you would watch but not really admit to watching it, but I would recomend it to just about anyone.