I Love Karditsa
I Love Karditsa
| 14 January 2010 (USA)
I Love Karditsa Trailers

The first human clone (Mike) was robbed during a cigarette stop in NY. In order to escape from mafia he travels to Karditsa to change place with his clone (Grigoris)

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Pandelis This is a standard film to see when you want to seat back in your couch, relax and forget everything that's bad this world. Just prepare some pop corn and some refreshments ready."I Love Karditsa" It's a typical screwball comedy, where the mingling of polar opposite persons and a series of misunderstandings and mis happenings drive the plot around. OK, the acting is not for Oscars, but this is just the type of acting you would expect in this kind of films. Of course you would not expect this to win any award in an international film festival. However, we should not underestimate the good film that offer you a pleasant hour and a half.I have read many bad reviews about it (the script, the cursing, the acting of Miss Papoutsaki etc etc), but the point is that when you want to enjoy in a lazy afternoon, let's face it, this is just the movie you would want to watch.
john-575 Synopsis: Weird science, 30 million dollars in missing mob money and a couple of hit men on a mission create a riotous comedy farce from filmmaker Stratos Markidis.When New Yorker Mike Kanias stops for some cigarettes and loses a truckload of mafia money he knows it's only a matter of time before the mob comes looking for him. But Mike isn't your average guy - he's the world's first human clone, created in the 70s by a group of pioneering scientists. Now to escape his pursuers he's traveling to the small Greek village of Karditsa to trade places with Grigoris Kanias, the man they cloned him from, but lazy womanizer Grigoris is in some trouble of his own.Review: The other reviewer Yiannis from Greece hit the nail on the head. Unless you are Greek I warn you this is lame and a throw back to Greek movies of the 1950s. In a bad way.All the male actors are extremely unattractive looking lot with one exception in a minor role. Lead actress is easy on the eye with her short boyish haircut. Whether she can act or is just eye catching I can't tell you. Betsy Malfa is engaging, attractive as the unhappy wife Maria.After seeing the very stylish Greek comedy 180 Digress (reviewed elsewhere here) a week earlier I thought this one might be the same. Greek island,some scenery, Katerina Papoutsaki eye catching. The reality is this feels more like a play, the production values are out of the 1950s, it rarely gets out of comedy first gear, being clumsy and vulgar rather than funny. If I saw another scene where someone appeared through an open window I'd scream. My wife who does speak Greek told me the sub titles which were fairly colorful were much more colorful than the spoken dialog.The only worthwhile points of the film maybe, if the portrayals are accurate, are that Greek society is basically matriarchal, the strange dowry system they have to marry off what are portrayed in the film as overweight, unattractive daughters.The only other positive apart from this being 90 minutes I will never get back was the theater last night was full and the foyer after wards was alive. There were certainly no Greek women needing dowries at the Como last night. Motto here with these film festivals must be if you find a really good film, like 180 Degrees, be content with that. Go chasing a second one and chances are you'll end up with a dud like this.
savvas172007 It is another awful modern Greek movie that lacks originality, acting, scenario and directing. Its whole plot (what plot?) could last only for 15 minutes. It is that kind of movies that make us all here in Greece to consider Greek cinema as bottom. Not even try to watch it. It would be a complete waste of time. Although it lasts only 90 mins I think, I was bored since the first half-hour and less. Acting was too average either. Katerina Papoutsaki proved once again that she could be everything else than an actress. She has to understand that she lacks talent. It was only the acting of Bsi Malfa that made this film bearable, even if her acting was also not good enough. The lead actor's talent was also almost good.
george karpouzas This film along with "Νήσος"/"Island" are the main cards for Greek commercial comedy this season. They contain both actors and lifestyle celebrities/models and target the mainstream public, while they include some edges for the more sophisticated.In this film which takes place in New York and a village in the vicinity of Karditsa, a provincial town of central Greece- the two main characters, whose appearance is identical, seek their private professional and sentimental goals while their fates intersect.Chance, sentimental complications,issues of locality and class, organized crime and modern science are blended in a merry-go-round satire of modern "Greek" reality which touches lightheartedly many not so light in themselves issues and resolves in a conciliatory happy end.If only those quandaries could be solved that easily in real life! The actors, TV and film actors of the national star-system support their flat and sometimes caricatured roles with ability. There is a combination of trash magazine culture and bucolic romance in the movie which may sound contradictory by definition but works well in practice.