I Am
I Am
PG | 01 October 2010 (USA)
I Am Trailers

In the City of Angels, despair and heartache are the daily mail -- delivered with painful regularity whether we want them or not. Through I AM, we join an eclectic cast as they try to untangle themselves from the web of sin. All along the way, they are each joined by a mysterious companion -- ever present with a loving guidance without judgment for their actions. The more they attempt to fix their lives, the deeper they sink into chaos, pain, and loss. In addition, we discover that sin is a matrix connecting even the most remote of strangers to one another. It is at this breaking point when we see the presence of this companion was no accident. He was the ever-loving constant who refused to abandon His people -- even when they abandoned Him.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
amandafassler I am not against God, but this was really just advertising Christianity. the acting was not good, and the Morgan Freeman rip-off... seriously? The beginning set-up the movie like it was going to be a great one, but then the plot disappeared and the point of the movie became to teach you the 10 commandments. After the girl was frozen the story became way too scattered, and WAY too many characters come in. 3 stars at best. Of there was a better cast and maybe some proofreading of the script, the movie could've been potentially OKAY maybe 5 stars. You could tell the movie was sponsored by some kind of church group. Don't waste your time on this movie. It was honestly a waste of 2 hours. I support God, but I don't support this movie.
Cali Ward I AM is a movie that follows the Ten Commandments, one by one, in a non-linear storytelling like the movie "Crash" or something from Tarantino. Its cutting edge, cool, and plays before you like a puzzle keeping you from getting bored with the Commandments as they are subtly revealed through the plot.If you're like me, you're tired of the sub-par standards in "Christian Film". In many ways, filmmakers have used the term as an excuse for a cheesy movie with a lame story, lack of artistry, and non-professional acting. I AM literally blows its predecessors away with a cool visual style (the opening scene is underwater!), a non-linear story, and a pure creativity.I recommend it to anyone!
seclife321 This movie has so many flaws. The characters are not developed and seem to be just a bunch of clichés. Every character's background can be summed up in one short sentence, like "woman who will do whatever it takes." Moreover, their actions are random and completely inconsistent at times. A guy says he only cares about himself one moment and then helps out a detective for no reason the next.The premise of the movie is also ridiculous. Throughout the movie, God interacts with the characters and resolves their problems. But if God was speaking to all of us, I doubt there would any of the problems faced by current society or the people in this movie (e.g., wars, crime, etc.). So, the movie tries to blend reality with fantasy in a blatantly impossible way and hopes no one will notice.However, the main flaw is that this movie is told rather than shown. It consists mainly of scenes where people talk about what they did rather than showing what they did. Although this approach works great in a written story, it is unbearably boring to watch. It's like the cast sat down and talked about what they would act out instead of really acting it out.Overall, this feels like an attempt to turn a sermon into a movie. I would not recommend this movie to anyone.
CryptoGuy And here we have the reason why Christian filmmakers get such a bad rap. Not only is this an awful cliché driven Christian film, it is an awful film - period. I don't know where to begin, but I'll try.First, I'll point out the ridiculous gimmick of having what I believe to be Morgan Freeman's stand-in playing the I Am. Upon seeing him in the trailer, I knew the movie was going to stink. Relying on gimmicks to get people in the seats will only work on the first showing. After that, it's all word of mouth and the words are "stay away." Second, there was just too much going on. All of the characters were the same.They were uninteresting, bland, and forgettable. I often caught myself saying, "Now, who is that again?" The dialogue didn't mix things up either. Everything was on the nose. The message came before the method on this one in a big way.Third, the camera work was, at best, the type of footage you would get from a royalty free video library. Almost every scene was heavily painted with colorful lighting of reds, blues, golden hues, and stark whites. Cecil B. Demille forbid the DP actually just use natural lighting or have a reason for lighting the way he did. I can handle heavily lighted scenes, but only if they serve a purpose. The only purpose I suppose this DP had was that he had access to a larger grip truck he wasn't normally used to. Just because you have all of the tools doesn't mean you have to use them all, partner.Finally, I Am is a great example of what happens when you have someone with access to enough money to buy or rent the best equipment and thinks he can make a film. I can hear it now: forget story, it'll look awesome! I'm sorry to say, but you made moving pictures with sound, but a film it is not. As a writer, a filmmaker, and a Christian, I am insulted.