Humanoids from the Deep
Humanoids from the Deep
| 14 September 1996 (USA)
Humanoids from the Deep Trailers

In this remake to the original 1980 ecological horror movie, a secret government experiment turns nightmarish when genetically altered fish, bred as amphibious weapons, escape. Scientists believe them dead after a biohazardous chemical spill. Far from it, the creatures thrive as bloodthirtsy killers, threatening to annihilate a small coastal town by slaughtering the men and abducting the women for mating! Government scientists attempt to keep the creatures' origin a secret while trying to destroy them.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
George Clarke From the careful hands of Roger Corman, comes a remake of his 1980's produced film of the same name, slightly updated, slightly better, but just as cheap.Suffering from that awful nineties glare of bad jeans and over acting, this remake offers quite a few decent moments, hilarious monsters, and unintentional dialogue that actually helps to get you through it.In a nutshell - Scripting and story is so messed up you can't help feel like you've been thrown in at the deep end from the very beginning. Hilarious acting and dialogue make sure you enjoy this low budget cheese-fest that entertains for all the wrong reasons!In my opinion - Certain movies should never be remade. This is one of them! With a storyline that is more classic 60's sci-fi than anything, the reasoning behind it all seems to be lost in its nineties setting. That said, this is small town America, where strange stuff happens all the time and the locals all dress alike...To be fair, its leading man, Robert Carridine is quite a likable guy and comes across quite well for the most of it. Everyone else though, not so much, and you can't help not caring for them in the long run. The film hints at action with some scenes as it tries to do with horror, but most of the scary scenes are done with such amateurish direction, it comes across more comical in a sense which makes it less horrific.The remake of Humanoids From The Deep is fun, in a strange sort of way. Just don't take it too seriously!
Welshfilmfan This 1996 B-Movie legend Roger Corman TV Movie was a remake to his earlier movie of the same name 16 years earlier,It's absolutely ridiculous of course the plot goes something like this..... A bunch of death row prisoners are injected with a special gene by the military which turn them into Half-Man Half-Salmon Monsters in rubber suits I last saw on a 50's Monster movie, who terrorise a small town because some shady locals are dumping some nasty stuff into the sea, which these monsters feed on.They kill the men.. but have sex with the woman and stick them in some sort of slimy cocoon. There is one hilarious scene in which a woman gives birth to a baby monster a-la Alien chestbuster and the locals try to batter it with baseball bats as it runs through a bar....Classic!!! The acting & FX are what you would expect from a movie called 'Humanoids from the deep'** out of *****
Coventry Why anyone would want to remake a gory and filthy exploitation gem from the early 80's is a mystery to me. The original Humanoids was a nice viewing and a good change to observe, but it hasn't really got the potential to be re-told in a 90's sort of atmosphere. Yet, they did and I don't really have a problem with that…but it really drives me mad that the local shop sold me a copy of this ‘straight to video' version instead of the original! Damn, the DVD has the same cover and credits-list as the original but the DVD itself is the remake starring Carradine! Pay attention to this if you'd ever plan to buy it. The less interesting remake could be disguised as the original gore stuff! That said, I have to admit that even this version is more or less satisfying and certainly worth sitting through. Same story is told, only less explicit and more mainstream…Meaning that the violence and nudity is severely cut. An aspect that'll most likely lower the interest of fans of the original. Still, there are more than enough bloody and nasty sequences to sicken the inexperienced horror population. A guy's head is blown off, for example, and there's a woman giving birth to an ugly fish creature on a filthy bar-table. The costumes of the fish-people on the other hand are laughable and idiotic looking. They could have paid a little more attention to that, because it sorts of ruins the whole idea of the `horrible' mutations that they are supposed to be. The acting is overall decent and some familiar faces are included in the cast. Robert Carradine is a very decent B-actor who still is overlooked often…. The same could be said about Mark Rolston, by the way. Danielle Weeks just looks adorable while she's on-screen and Clint Howard walks around in this movie for no particular reason…as he does in most of the films he stars in. In general…you'll be better off when watching the original this thing is based on, but it's not an entire waste of time. Humanoids is easy to watch and overall entertaining with some good gory stuff and funny sequences. If you've seen the original, you'll also have quite some fun with discovering the references and the spoofs towards it.
elaineretner I must say that Emma Samms shines in this film. I thought the film was tense and suspenseful, even though I typically do not like horror movies. The storyline is on the one hand silly, yet frightening at the same time. Robert Carradine and Danielle Weeks play father and daughter and have good screen chemistry. I have not seen the original picture that I see people commenting on, but found this one to be well done. Recommend.