Humanoids from Atlantis
Humanoids from Atlantis
NR | 10 October 1992 (USA)
Humanoids from Atlantis Trailers

It's either about some humanoids that came from Atlantis, or something else.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
PeterBradford The production has things going for it. I saw evidence of INTENT to make a good movie. The love of the genre came through. Some of the action was fairly well staged. What killed this film is the self-depreciation on the part of the filmmaker. You could tell at some point he just said WTF and gave up. That's what's really sad. Yes, it does have people talking in a car in a garage. Yes, there is bad acting. Yes, there is bad dialogue. Yes, the ridiculously self-depreciating end credits are padded out ad nauseam. But the creature costume ain't bad. The locations would have been effective if the cast/crew could stand the cold (I suspect they couldn't). Oh, and the B-movie police intro added nothing. I would have stuck with the movie as is. I paid two dollars plus to rent this. I was marginally entertained, so I am not complaining.
emacgregor In some cases, there are movies that are so bad that they are good. This is not one of them. I regret having spent time in the same room with the videocasette I saw it on, and even though I got it for free, I feel immeasurably poorer for having seen it. The case over-reported the duration of the movie by 15 minutes and both myself and my unfortunate friend were thankful when it ended early. The only reason we kept watching was a numbing deadness of the brain and a self-destructive urge to see how it could get worse. I saw it almost a decade ago and though many of the details have been mercifully forgotten, it still ranks in my mind as the single worst film I have ever witnessed.The few details I can recall involve a negligible budget and poor acting -- both of which could have been salvaged as 'camp' a la Ed Wood's works. Unfortunately, the producers had no clear vision -- a fact which they appear to have recognized most of the way through the film, but did not allow to deter their releasing this abomination.