Humanity's End
Humanity's End
R | 01 January 2009 (USA)
Humanity's End Trailers

The year is 3313. Mankind is being systematically massacred throughout the galaxy by an invading species. All hope is lost until the last strand of pure human DNA is found on a remote planet in the far reaches of the galaxy. Now, an epic battle will be waged across time and space to save and protect the last of the human race.

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
jbburger OK OK this is not a 9 level movie, but it's not a 4 of 10 either.Graphic's are....well the kinda thing you think you could do better if you had a computer and knew how to use it. The character development and banter is fantastic however, a lot of humor and good fun. Not the sort of thing to watch with Sci-Fi Purists (snobs) but a great show to have on while you figure out the Trust fund for your brothers kids from your dearly departed Aunties Estate!
M MALIK humanity's's end 2009 is a a pure spoof film from start to finish its a joke on all the science fiction films ever made.the story:last man on the earth is chased by Nephlilim.the cast:except the babes in this film there is no one watchable and a guy who looks like George colony.its got some nice cgi and space action scenes but the story,dialogs and direction is so hilarious that you cant help but burst out laughing,includes sex jokes every five minutes.overall if this is what cinema is coming to i am afraid humanity's end is rating is 3/10
Rabh17 This one came outta nowhere. I read the short Netflix summary about the last man and woman on the run from a genocidal alien race and said to myself-- "Okay, low B grade straight to DVD hack job about survival of last human couple scurrying about some industrial pit that the viewer is supposed to pretend is an alien planet." Yeah, right. . .but hey! Why not?I ordered it-- figuring on some ridiculous fluff to pass a Friday nighter.Not surprisingly, the opener started with a morphed alien voice proceeding to give us a NARRATED short History of the Galaxy that went way too long and didn't really explain the difference or the connection between Humans, Neanderthals, Nephelim, Nazis, Cyborgs and Huh-what? I went for an iced tea from the fridge and the Voice-over was STILL going. Then by the time I'm debating whether to just pop the disk and go to iTunes, the scene goes to Space and planets and starships and explosions and Starships and fleets and planetary invasions and more starships and more explosions. . .Well, I have to admit, I sat thru it and was like: Well Yeah! I STILL didn't quite know WHY all the starships and invasions and explosions were happening. . .but they looked awful good and I'm a sucker for decent FX.Now from that point, the story will try and bring in this captain and his ship and his crew. The problem is this: Is this a drama? or is it a Funny? And the producers seem to understand this problem, because just before I get too puzzled, I'm straightaway mesmerized with more Starships, and Stargates and explosions and starfleets and explosions. . .At this point, I'm beginning to feel like I'm being played. But geez, those FX were pretty nifty!!But then they try the dialogue and plot thing again. And the hero captain tries the uneven Funny thing again and then More explosions and Starfleet FX and blue skinned people and more humanoid people who are not human. . .I think.Then came the ending-- with yet ANOTHER Narrative Voice-over (after yet another long dose of Starships & Explosions and liberal use of Medium yield Tactical Nukes)I scratched my head and said: "Huh?"So. . .VERY Uneven. GREAT FX! Storyline & characters BARELY made cohesive sense, but GREAT FX! If anything, I now take back my long-standing gripe with Lucasfilms and the StarWars Saga-- Imagine if Lucas tried to squeeze all 5 to 6 Star Wars movies into 90 Minutes. One would have somewhat the same result, some spots of dialogue, some odd humor, a LOT OF STARSHIPS & EXPLOSIONS & STARSHIPS and then. . .The End. Not Good.Best fit for this movie: a Saturday afternoon when you don't wanna leave the house. Pop this one in the player and watch the FX while you doing other stuff, like browsing the net or remote managing your servers or yakking with your buddies.GREAT FX, Though!!
Sir Vertual (sirvertual) It's probably exactly what you expect..Rarely do films actually 'Surprise!' you these days...with all the hype given to any movie (regardless of how odd or bad) with a large budget, you get an idea of the movie...especially after a few reviews, what your friends say, and so on and so on....Well the same goes for these movies...the one's you 'Don't' hear about...You don't see the 'stars making the rounds on all thee late night talk shows, promoting their newest flick (& always pretending they have 'no-idea' what the clip is they brought with them)...So these films end up in the usual places...the bargain bins, the blockplaces will have a single copy (usually) and then there's Redbox...who unlike most places, let's you know upfront they have a mixture of the the best movies as they're released and tell you honestly that they have some genuine 'B'- movies...So, yeah, rent this one if you like sci-fi flicks, realizing it was done on a less than stellar budget and cut everyone involved with it some slack...The great thing about it is 'You might just find a real gem' among the 'B'-Movies available, but don't expect it...This has some good points and some low spots...But then again, keep in mind it had a 'B' budget too...