How to Sell a Banksy
How to Sell a Banksy
| 06 January 2012 (USA)
How to Sell a Banksy Trailers

Banksy’s work now reportedly changes hands for millions. But he puts up his street art for free. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you got your hands on one of these? Does it mean you’ve found a winning lottery ticket or just scraped some worthless crap off a wall? Going up against the Art Establishment, Critics, Auction Houses, Gallery Owners and Authentication Boards in a quest for the elusive meal ticket, two filmmakers unwittingly gatecrash the murky and protective world of Banksy. “HOW TO SELL A BANKSY” raises questions of ownership, authentication and the true value of art itself. Through all the chaos and incompetence comes a modern-day, true-story, crime-theft, comedy-caper.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
paulo-826-723029 It is story told with handycam footage of a guy ripping Banksy's street art off a bridge, destroying it in the process, paying for a restoration and then trying to flog it The filming is pretty dull, there is little beauty in this film. It could have been all told in 40minutes rather than the 85mins it took.
productie-2 A man steals a work of art that had been in the public domain for 3 years, to enjoy for all and makes a movie about selling it, full of stolen Banksy quotes and with a "thank you Banksy" to wrap it all up, knowing Banksy doesn't approve any of this.Better watch "Exit through the gift shop" or "Saving Banksy"
Allan McGowan "How to Sell a Banksy" should be re-titled: "Christopher Thompson's Extra Crappy Home Movie Featuring Film School Rejects and a Destroyed Banksy Painting".I'm a huge fan of Banksy and I love his work, but this home-made shaky cam extravaganza is, well, to quote the idiots who made this, "It's rubbish."You know what this film is like? It's like trying to drink a barrel full of vinegar. Maybe you really like vinegar, but there's no way you're going to be able to swallow down a barrel full before making yourself sick.If you're a fan of Banksy, you'll HATE this movie. If you've never heard of Banksy, go watch: Exit Through The Gift Shop.
zif ofoz This is a well put together chronicle of how one man came to have a real Banksy removed from a bridge. And what comes of it.When a street artist becomes famous can you cash in on that artist because you cleverly removed an original from a exposed public surface? Maybe yes - maybe no. You will have to watch documentary to discover the answer.The documentary covers both sides of the story - the current owner and the artist. Does the owner have a gold mine or a money pit? The professional opinions cover a all.Banksy art is highly prized in todays world - but be aware of this mans journey !!!