Housos vs. Authority
Housos vs. Authority
| 01 November 2012 (USA)
Housos vs. Authority Trailers

Franky and his best mate Dazza travel in a drug-laden campervan from the western outskirts of Sydney to Uluru so that Dazza's foul-mouthed girlfriend, Shazza, can be reunited with the dying mother she hasn't seen since she was three.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
cdkarp Not since the days of Paul Hogan and "Crocodile Dundee" has a movie captured the essence of the True Australian. This movie should be part of the induction process when new immigrants move here , and be added to the Tourism Board as recommended viewing material. If you want insight as how the typical Aussie behaves, you cant get closer then this movie. Although the characters appear stereotypical , rest assured this is how they behave on a daily basis. The only slightly concerning part was when the aliens beamed down , but apart from that , this movie is more of a documentary then a movie. Bottom line if you want to understand Australians watch this movie
videorama-759-859391 This movie is almost as funny as the series, though the movie feels like the series. The movie's story basically has Shazza, who in no way, has lowered her use of profanity, go to Alice to visit her dying mother who left her, many years before. But funds are a bit tight. How the moolah is scored is funny too. The scenes at the mothers house in the dusty aired city are some of he funniest parts, while Frankie is busy outside to trying to rile some wildlife. Some of the situations and mischief that took off after this, with the Housos gang finding themselves in some pretty hot water, minus Frankie, defecating a historical monument, and worked on by some extra terrestrial forces, I liked. Though at the start, it had me at a bit of a worry, as the laughs rang short early, where I only found one or two things funny in the first ten minutes, bit then it got better. With the late Turps gone, we have narrator replacement, we're not surprised to see. I'll give you a hint. A Hey Hey it's Saturday regular, who loves exposure and does has the Midas touch, but not the same powerful volume or narrative skills as Turps, which fitted the trashy series greatly. Fenech is a comedy writing genius and has come through on this. A lot of other side splitting shows lose a lot of their laughs and impact, most of it, practically goes out the window. Not really the case here. I think most Housos's fans will appeased here at the result. It's just not as funny as the series.
tedthorne This is a brilliant satire tongue in cheek comedy and highlights the many cultural diversities in Australia and superficial nature of the social upper class. Most of this will be lost on those upper class people and those not from Australia and in particularly Americans. There's no big name multimillion dollar actors/actresses or explosives, fireworks or even CGI, which Hollywood are much more comfortable with. Instead talent is what makes this film hilarious. Great editing and is fast paced all the way through. The acting is superb and the writing is brilliant and totally unpredictable. Laughter from start to even past the end credits, so make sure you watch the end credits. So grab a pizza and a six-pack and sit back for some hilarious entertainment.
john-1952 How can people like this? I guess if you find crime, drugs, vandalism, constant swearing and a bunch of unlikeable morons funny then please feel free to watch this movie. The really sad thing is that there are far too many people who are like the characters in this movie but that does not make them funny. The movie tries to somehow turn a bunch of bludgers terminally sponging off welfare and ensuring their kids will continue the chain, into endearing people and at least in my opinion just reaffirms that society is not heading in the right direction when things like manners, honesty and respect for law are shown as things to be despised.