House of Secrets
House of Secrets
| 23 October 1956 (USA)
House of Secrets Trailers

Police in Paris recruit an English ship's officer (Michael Craig) to help trap counterfeiters by joining them.

Sarentrol Masterful Cinema
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Leofwine_draca HOUSE OF SECRETS is a French-set British thriller with much to recommend it. The clever plot sees the underrated Michael Craig going undercover as a small-time crook in order to bring down a large and ruthless criminal organisation. There's plenty of suspense and action here, the latter taking the form of some surprisingly brutal and protracted fight sequences set in hotel rooms and the like. This gives the film a modernity and realism that, for me, made it feel like an early Bond movie. Craig is a dependable hero and there's a solid cast to support him, including Geoffrey Keen and Brenda de Banzie, who was equally sinister in THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. The plot begins slowly but draws you in to a break-neck climax and you'll enjoy every moment of it.
happytrigger-64-390517 For a french reviewer like me who love film noir, House Of Secrets is an absolute entertaining movie. I first loved all the Parisian locations (around rue du Bac, l'île Saint-Louis, Eiffel tower, rue Lamarck, an unknown restaurant) and Marseille.The plot with impersonation is interesting with some fine twists. The fights are real fast paced, destroying the furniture more violently than in American serials. The cinematography by Harry Waxman is very colorful and shadowy. The editing by the brilliant Sidney Hayers (soon to direct Circus Of Horrors and Burn Witch Burn) is real fast and raw.The best surprise again for a french reviewer is the casting of Gérard Oury as a badman, very surprising when you see his future top box office movies with Bourvil and Louis de Funès as a director... Swell souvenir.
rogerjillings The film that made Michael Craig is a well paced colourful crime thriller shot in the location of Paris where Craig is mistakenly taken for a known smuggler who he resembles quite uncannily & is persuaded to go under-cover to infiltrate a counterfeiting organisation & also keep his cover with his smuggling colleagues.Apart from falling for the same local cabaret singer (Julia Arnall)who the real Steve Chancellor was enmeshed with, & the double crossing begins & along the way he struggle's to get to the truth until the climatic finale to unmask the ring leaders which include Brenda De Banzie & the ice cool menace of Anton Diffring.
Theo Robertson Larry Ellis bares a striking resemblance to a dead criminal whose smuggling gang's activities threaten the economy of the western world so the CIA recruit him to take on the dead man's identity to infiltrate the gang The above is the premise for HOUSE OF SECRETS . It's maybe not a groundbreaking idea but it's a solid one similar to WHITE HEAT which I had the pleasure of seeing again a few days previously . With both movies you know where the story is going and that it's only a matter of time before the undercover agent gets found out . But where as in WHITE HEAT the audience are kept on the edge of their seats by the intelligent script HOUSE OF SECRETS is rather uninvolving and seems somewhat underdeveloped , a case in point is when Larry is asked to meet " The girl " . He doesn't know which girl the gang are talking about , so instead of the gang members physically taking him to meet the girl thereby blowing his cover due to his ignorance Larry goes to meet his CIA contact to ask what girl the gang are referring to . Things like this means the script misses the opportunity to create nail biting tension and makes the movie rather uninvolving
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