House of Last Things
House of Last Things
NC-17 | 30 January 2013 (USA)
House of Last Things Trailers

A mind-bending thriller set in Portland, Oregon about an unspoken tragedy and its effects on a house, its temporary caretakers and the owners, a classical music critic and his wife on a recuperative trip to Italy.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
gargouille1963 I was glued to the screen and wanted to watch it till the end. However, the movie is too long, the lead acting was a tad too cartoonish . Tim and Adam were by far the best characters in terms of acting. I don't for the life of me, understand the relevance of the creepy old woman and bleeding soldier characters. Especially the older woman. Also, WHO is haunting the house? The son, the tree or the soldier??Furthermore, the photography was too straightforward. There was a real dearth of photography angles and appropriate lighting. The music was largely irrelevant to understanding the movie. Of course the music is nice because it is Mozart but it does not being any significant clue or mystery to the movie. The movie would have been the same with or without the music. Bottom line, a lot of scènes are absolutely unnecessary and this movie has no right to be 1h50min long.
rugolow This is a pretty amazing little indie gem that I would recommend to anyone looking for something way off the beaten path. Stay clear if you're impatient or into splatter and gore. I see a lot of genre films are breaking away from Lionsgate formula horror, not as successful as this one, not that I would place this one into the horror category, but it does tamper around the edges of horror, although in a much more restrained and psychological and methodical way. It was great to see Breaking Bad's RJ Mitte in a feature film and especially one so demanding and twisted. His first feature. Blake Berris' played his transformation to perfection and Lindsey Haun convinces here too, as as she did so well in True Blood.
spectreacle First, I can't believe all of the fake, inflated reviews for this movie. Just take a second and check out some of the profiles that are giving it very high ratings and reviews. It's no coincidence that this is the only movie they have ever reviewed. Pretty shady.I knew it would be bad from the first scenes. They, and so many to follow, were unintentionally funny. The kind of desperate, please take me seriously type of funny you'd expect from a student film. The acting is terrible, it felt stiff and forced. I didn't waste too much time and started fast forwarding after only about 15 minutes. So if there was some sort of cohesive story to be found it certainly did nothing to make me want to find out what it was. Don't waste your time, there are too many other better movies out there.
Jesse Boland House of Last Things or The Last House (which really made no sense, and now makes little more) is a twisted thriller/horror/cracked-reality like The Shining from Stephen King with very broad strokes taken to deliver a visual effect sometimes working it's way into your subconscious in the back ground long before you even notice that it was always messing with you. The truth is what is fighting to get free, and the other truths that are forced up trying to get to the source are all equally vague until they are not anymore. I have to add the balloon had to have been stuck in the tree, and Adam was climbing up to get it, not just hiding. I believe that the house was trying to get that across as well taking some of the blame, and giving some to the tree. They do touch on the House having memories that it is trying to work through. The basics of the opening act are really just slow, and fulfilling dropping you in to the second act not liking the boyfriend, completely suspicious of the Brother, and uncertain why this girl is permitting these sorts of behaviors. So I was surprised when during that second act I found that I was Enjoying the twists back, and forth from Italy, and the strange Wacky Wednesday kind of stuff that is messing with everyone. There is a lot of energy tying the owners of the house to the sitters. If you like mixed up, twisted magical movies that are trying to keep you off guard all the time, and you know you be rewarded for taking the ride; then this is one I recommend you sit back, and soak in.Jesse of