House IV
House IV
R | 21 January 1992 (USA)
House IV Trailers

Unaware that it's plagued by a host of supernatural phenomena, a mother and her daughter, still reeling from a car crash which claimed the life of Roger Cobb, move into the hold family homestead to start a new life.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
trashgang The House franchise. You love it or you hate it. And I must say that I didn't liked it. House 1 and 2 were so stupid, it was even watchable by toddlers. Nevertheless, it had it success back then that Sean S. Cunningham (producer) was moving further with the franchise towards part 4, but there was a problem. It had to be called Part 3 but in Europe and the UK The Horror Show (1989) was released as House 3 for commercial reasons, even as it had nothing to do with the franchise and funny is that it was the best entry. House 4 was released when major pulled out the plug in horror and even in the popular franchises like Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween and Friday The 13th. The end of the eighties and early nineties were a bad period for horror. This flick sadly shows why.It really had nothing to offer, cheap effects (outdated even), nothing frightening and even almost no red stuff. It was really Terri Treas (Kelly Cobb) who saved this flick. Her performance was excellent but this script was a throwaway. It picks in perfectly on House 1 and even William Katt (Roger Cobb) came back but after a while the script really moves to stupidity. Terri do goes for a shower scene but it's also low on nudity. Many people love 'House' but for a horror buff like me it didn't offer a thing and is a perfect example why horror failed in that era. Kane Hodder did the stunt coordination, Harry Manfredini did the score.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
TheRowdyMan This is a terrible movie. This is one of those films that you show to film-students to teach them how NOT to make a horror movie. Flat looking, with a total disregard for creating any sort of atmosphere and a script that reads like it was banged out in an hour.The second act of this "masterpiece" (out of nowhere) dives head first into some Full Moon style Comedy/Horror that's so painful, even Charles Band himself couldn't replicate it's sheer awfulness (at least his films are fun).This particular film held a bit of interest for me. It was never released in Australia until DVD in 2002. After finally wasting $4 and watching it, I found out why.Horror movie schlock-meister Sean S. Cunningham (Friday the 13th) was a producer on this dreck. He must of hit someone's kid with a car to have been forced into sinking money into this garbage. You'd think that after being in the biz that long, he would have come up with better schemes for tax write-offs.Another interesting little footnote is the director Lewis Abernathy later appeared in the 1996 blockbuster Titanic. I'm sure you people can think of better ironic sinking ship jokes than I can be bothered writing.
disdressed12 how low can you go?not much lower than this,the 4th and final(hopefully)installment int the dreadfully awful "House" series.each previous entry outdid the last for sheer crap.the last installment,made it about 30 minutes,when we realized we couldn't go any further.we never laughed once ,nor jumped out of our seats once.these movies are billed as horror/comedy, so shouldn't they contain elements of horror and comedy?the fact this series was ever released onto an unsuspecting public is horrifying indeed.i don't know if i've ever been this bored in my entire life.i mean,what the hell were these people(anyone involved in this crap fest)smoking?some movies are so bad,they'r good. i wish this movie was that good.after torturing ourselves for way too long,we went outside and watched the grass grow to relieve the boredom.0*
gothic_a666 This is the kind of movie that is so bad it is *almost* good. Yet there are way too many things that simply don't add up.***Warning, contains spoilers*** First of all, the spirits seem to want to drag Kelly and Laurel out of the house. Hence the dream sequence with the knife (a complete rip off of Nightmare in Elm Street part II), the shower scene (Psycho meets Elm Street again) with the very clichéed warning "Get out or die". Clearly, their message is very simple and not susceptible to multiple readings.Yet, in the end, it turns out the spirits were actually good, that they represented the forces of good that opposed those of evil, here represented by a very disgusting little man who owns some sort of company that apparently requires the fountain to dump all their waste material.And here comes of the most stupid scenes ever seen in a movie: as the workers are filling barrels of some toxic stuff that is never explained (we know that it is green and foamy), these same barrels contain the "WARNING toxic" tag, to which they super impose the word "NON" over the "WARNING" and slash the skull. Now, why have the tags IN THE FIRST PLACE?!Why go to all that trouble just to get THAT particular place to dump it? Wouldn't any other hole pretty much serve the same purpose? As for did he KNOW about the seal, to start with? Other awful scenes include the killing/singing pizza (another trying-to-be Elm Street attempt) and the overall post-poltergeist feeling that pervades the whole thing.What is good about this? The House itself. It does look very odd and creepy, especially since it is placed, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere. The inside of the house partakes from the general feeling of strangeness, but sadly, it has been done over and over again. Mr Grosso is also a must. He is disgusting and his factory, if we ignore the whole barrel incident is pure post-industrial nightmarish, albeit clichéed. The final sequence, with the jet of water bursting through the roof is, in terms of imagery, quite impressive.But it cannot save the flat plot, the annoyingly smiling Pater Familias that ends up "saving" the day, nor the dreadfully lame and repetitive soundtrack.
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