House Hunting
House Hunting
R | 05 March 2013 (USA)

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Two families go to an open house and can't leave

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AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
leankushcloud This movie was very interesting i'll give it that, but when it comes down to the main plot it gets very confusing, then when you think you understand what's going on you just get another twist. So going by what I put together I am going to try to explain the holes in this story. From the "House Owner", the only way to leave is for one family to stay, but the daughter of one family was able to get out of the.., lets say "dimension", by walking away from the house backwards( She also sings a nursery rhyme about the house while doing so, but it was never discussed if you had to say it or not) after thinking I understood this story there was a few side stories going own with the families making you think this is happening for a reason.These stories though seem worthless when you try to put it all together once you get to the ending. There is a girl who has had her tongue cut off for unknown reasons, it is then known that she is from another family who was stuck in the house dimension just like the on-going family, yet the movie has you guessing she's a big part of the plot. The son in a family ran over a girl who was jogging being scared he left her for dead, later in the movie it is shown and pointed to the women who was ran over was somehow related to the "House Owner", and also the Father of a family bought the property of the house hinting that both families have done something wrong to the original owners of the house, and this was some ghostly revenge.All of that is thrown away from the fact that the girl with no tongue was just from a recent family who was stuck in the house, and towards the ending the daughter of a family is left alive and is found by another family who's the next victims of the haunted house putting her in the shoes of the girl with no tongue when she was found on the road, but this is the kicker, it is revealed that the "House Owner" was the one who cuts off the girl's tongue because in the last scene the daughter had her tongue cut off for the fact she can't tell the new victims what's happening.Taking all this in you realize it's just a cycle that happens to unlucky families looking for a new home making all the sub-plots basically filler and makes you angry for trying to put all of this together.Don't get me wrong it's a good movie, but there's just too many holes.
kaysild This was surprisingly well acted and well done. I like movies where you have to think and this delivers. There is definitely a lot to be interpreted on your own here. However I guessed the very last scene in the beginning but that's OK it was the only part I got right and it was a lucky guess not bc it was predictable. It's worth the rent, watch with friends or family so you guys can discuss after what everyone's idea of the movie was in their perspective. I give this a 7. Would be higher but the ending made me sad and wanted more, which idk if that's a plus on their part but for me I'd of liked a lil bit more in depth for a 10 star rating
wewilsons PROS it is an original idea, I've never seen another plot that is similar to the story line in this flick. The actors often do a fair job with weak dialog and scene construction, Sometimes the acting is very good. The story is very difficult to read into. it is not predictable in most instances. You do try and figure out what the ^&*% is going on with the characters. The end was strong CONS it is too often slow the time-line is not believable, The story need more supporting scenes and less slow build up. It had more than enough slow scenes The story line takes a few odd turns that didn't seem to support it. For such an original story they could have easily blended int supporting scene content.SUM A good idea that was not fully realized in the screen play We ended up FFWD to the end because it was so darn slow. Not worth watching the whole things through. Sorry
dwuksta You quickly realize from the opening scenes that you're in for a badly acted and predictable horror flick. The plot idea of being held captive in a house by a mysterious controlling force is kinda cool, but it soon gets old with bad direction and unrealistic acting. No real surprises, plenty of senseless dying, and several annoying clichés popping up that you'll soon recognize when you see it. On the positive side, if you enjoy this film, then lucky for you, there's no doubt a huge back log of films you have yet to discover in the same genre. Luckily when the movie finished, there was a re-run of 'Hart To Hart' on the TV, so the night wasn't a complete loss. I give it 2 stars for the story idea and 1 star for the canned stew that kept on giving.