House at the End of the Drive
House at the End of the Drive
R | 11 January 2014 (USA)
House at the End of the Drive Trailers

When David King purchases a house in the hills far above the angst of Los Angeles, he gets much more than he bargained for when strange and unexplainable occurrences in and around the house begin to take control of his daily life

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
darkplague2010 The first time I'd heard of David Oman was when he purchased the lot Sharon Tate's house stood on. I've been on Cielo Dr. & his house is a huge monstrosity. Then, there was a TV show depicting Oman as a "private investigator" who "lived in the house below the Tate house". Another show portrayed him as a "producer" who "built a house on the Tate lot". Personally, with no disrespect to Mr. Oman, it's my (humble) opinion he is profiting both financially & personally from a horrendous murder. It's bad enough that this happened to people who were doing nothing more than hanging out in their own home & end up suffering a terrible death, but now Mr. Oman comes along & continues to dredge it up over & over on multiple paranormal shows. Haven't the victims of this tragedy went through enough? Their families already live with the knowledge of what happened to their loved ones, they surely don't need another TV show/movie/paranormal invest/etc. It seems that Mr. Oman continues to live vicariously through the suffering the 5 people at Sharon Tate's house went through & he does it shamelessly. Mr. Oman, you are fortunate to live in one of the most awesome cities in the US, you live in a huge house in a beautiful area, leave these victims to rest in the peace they lost in Aug 1969. I'm surprised Debbie Tate hasn't knocked on your door yet & told you to leave it alone. Profiting off the misery/suffering of others is particularly abhorrent. Enough is enough.
John Seger I had the unlucky opportunity of seeing this very badly directed, badly written mess of a so-called movie. Billed as "based on the real life experiences of Producer, David Oman," who lives on Cielo Drive, a few houses down from the former site of the "Sharon Tate/Helter Skelter" murder house(the original house was torn down in the mid 1990's. This David Oman person has exploited the fact he lives so close to the former Tate house for many years. Appearing in episodes of "Ghost Hunters," various radio programs, etc, claiming the ghosts of murder victims, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, and others haunt his home( I guess ghosts enjoy visiting neighbors), and communicate with him.This oddball has spent over 7 years filming this movie that flat out exploits the tragic and horrific infamous murders of 1969 by changing the names of the individuals and slightly tweeking some details. Oman has been seen in many blogs, guestbooks and forums regarding the actual Tate/Labianca murders, basically begging people to donate money so he can get this movie screened. If after 7 years, no distributors have shown any interest of picking this piece of garbage, and if years of panhandling the internet to beg for funds from an uninterested public, Mr.Oman should simply give it up and stop trying to glorify hideous murderers in a desperate attempt of getting attention and his 15 minutes. A really horrible, exploiting and needless movie that is not entertaining, not scary, and solely made to glorify cold hearted killers that mutilated 5 innocent human beings that night on Cielo Drive in 1969, including the torture murder of 8 and a half months pregnant actress, Sharon Tate. Killers that wrote messages in blood on the door. That shot and stabbed their victims over and over. No respect or compassion to the surviving family members, friends and loved ones of the victims of one of the most notorious, and hideous murders in the history of the United States. David Oman even charges money for "tours" of his home. Shame on you, David Oman. A perfect example of a talentless, opportunistic pariah. Avoid this movie. It's terrible.
aab874 Being so close to the Inspiration for the film, I had the Amazing opportunity to view it. From start to finish, I was glued to the film, and had chills running down my spine. This film had me sleeping with the lights on that night. I love the question - what would you do if this happened to you? I loved the characters, and would love to see both a prequel and sequel. You actually care about each and every character, and want to know more about them. The acting was top-notch. To have Lance Henriksen in a film like this must have been a dream come true. This film had more twists and turns than a roller coaster. Just when you think you can't take anymore, it keeps going. One minute, you're wishing to get off the ride. The next, you want to get back on.
spooks333 This is one of the crimes of the century, yet, there were few attempts ever made to tackle this subject on film. For his courage in putting up the funds and laying it all out on the line, David's film is getting a 10 from me.There are all kinds of conspiracy theory's about the event that allegedly "killed the 60's" The best source can be found on Blogger. The Col's Blog, "The Real Tate LaBianca Blog," about the Tate LaBianca murders.Good work David. I wish for your continued success in all your endeavors. Spooks