| 29 July 2006 (USA)
Honor Trailers

In a world where street gangs collide with the law, neighborhood friends, Raymond and Gabriel, must decide which side of the battle to join. This will be the ultimate fight - the one for power, family, and HONOR.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Destroyer Wod Wow, first thing i would say is i never would think Gabriel's actor didn't get any martial arts training. He seem pretty good at it. Of course i wish i could have seen more of him, he didn't fight so much but what he did was pretty good and didn't seem like a guy with no training at in MA at all. I really like the cook too, didn't known him but he have pretty good skill in MA. As for the story, it got to me in many ways, as Gabriel wanna do whats right but at the same time dosen't want to do bad things do a guy he consider as a friend. But i got to say just like him i would have do the same choice, the character really got to me for that, cause for me the pattern is Honor, Loyalty and respect in that way, honor will always go before loyalty and loyalty will always go before respect. And i think Ray got it the wrong way as for him Respect was the first thing he wanted and owning the streets by any mean meant respect for him. I knew when i brought this that the director of Kickboxer(one of the great fighting movie) and Bloodsport(one of my favourite fighting movie) would deliver, but i didn't tough it would one i would freaking love a lot. Glad to have buy it and i got it for like 7 bucks, a ridiculous price considering its so good. One funny fact, its like in this movie you see WWE/F wrestler are way more actors than wrestling, as Roddy Piper was very believable and did a pretty good job, but as a wrestler he was awful in most of his matches...lol. Overall i am really happy to see this movie got good review here, which is rare for a martial arts movie. Of course there is always gonna be haters... but well you have to deal with them. And just for fun... the character on the cover is a no name doing the intro fight... I'm kind of curious why they didn't put a real character... you expect this guy to be the lead but he is really not.
Duke Guy Wow, I knew this film was going to be bad but not this bad. Spoilerific comments ensue.Roddy Roddy Piper is sickly sweet retired cop (cliche!), helping out everyone - smiling like a post-op lobotomy patient through-out and lamenting over his dead son. His adopted son returns from Armed Forces "Special Ops" and because he's "seen things" - portrayed by clenching his teeth if anyone mentions anything about the past. Time to clean up the streets from another guy who once knew Piper and his dead son (who the bad lad killed) and his adopted son.Oh, the love interest is a pretty young lady who decides for no reason that she wants to jump the bones of the ex-Army bloke. This happens in about 2 minutes of 1 scene.The action could have saved this film, but it's even worse than the storyline and acting. It's all been done before, it's all been done much much better (Ong-Bak is a prime example). This is the worst film I've ever seen - and I've seen Waterworld, twice.Erm, the film is called HONOR (Spelt Wrong for the Americans) and the tag line has "from the makers of Bloodsport and Kickboxer" - check out Director David Worths other films and you'll soon realise why they put these 2 films on there, even though they are over 10 years old. Such classics as "Shark Attack 3: Megalodon" - says it all really.I'll give you £10 if you don't go to see this film.PS - Apologise for not know character names, tells you something though.
Nick Morris I don't understand what people expected. This isn't supposed to be a life changing experience like "Forest Gump" or a movie for the ages like "Casablanca". It's a fight movie. It's an action flick. Why do people think that movies need to be all artsy? You want to see blood, bruises, sweat, tears, pain, triumph and everything that comes with a good fight? Watch this movie. If you want to watch a movie where you can hold hands with your lady, this isn't the one for you.What ever happened to being excited about a good ol' testosterone driven film where you know you're going to see some ass kicking? I expected to see some great fights and this film did ten times that. Every scene brought something different to the table. I wanted to check out K1 champ Remy Bonjansky and see Roddy Piper kick some ass. Mission accomplished.
lluna714 I was saddened to see that in the credits and on your posters you fail to mention the 4 Time World Champions name. Malaipet is not mentioned anywhere. Believe me you have so many of his fans disappointed.There would have been so many more sales if we the public in Orange County,Los Angeles County and everywhere else knew he was going to be in a movie.Check the website "Malaipet" "The Diamond" Muaythai boxer. He has over 20 pages of credits and you could not list him once? Sorry to say I am disappointed with about a few other thousand fans of his.You were lucky to even have him in your film.