| 31 July 2011 (USA)
Hollow Trailers

An old monastery in a small, remote village in Suffolk, England has been haunted by a local legend for centuries. Left in ruin and shrouded by the mystery of a dark spirit that wills young couples to suicide, the place has been avoided for years, marked only by a twisted, ancient tree with an ominous hollow said to be the home of great evil. When four friends on holiday explore the local folklore, they realize that belief in a myth can quickly materialize into reality, bringing horror to life for the town.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
mockeldritch I won't pretend this film doesn't have its problems. The acting isn't amazing and I really didn't think it was paced very well. But it really did scare me, which is essentially what I wanted from it. I can see how the focus on the relationships which occupies most of the film might detract from this for some, but it has its moments even early on. I am a big FF horror fan, gradually watching my way through all I can find. This one is in the upper third of the list for me so far. Fellow fans of the genre, I would definitely recommend giving it a chance.Oh and by the way I'm writing this mostly because of the huge swathe of terrible reviews of the film I've just seen, which claim the only reason it's rated as it is (6.5 currently) is owing to fake reviews. I disagree, I actually think 6.5 is pretty accurate based on other movies I've seen. You may apply the "how many other films has this person reviewed" test if you wish, you'll find I haven't reviewed any others (I think. Maybe one). And yet here we are.
Rorschach Throughout the whole film.. There are nothing?! Seriously.. No ghost,demon,monster,alien etc.. U can't see no nothing, not even an evil unseen force that scares u like Paranormal Activity. There are suppose to be an unseen evil force around that makes people committing suicides but the film makers depends solely on the actor's acting so maybe they can cut cost on special effects.. The whole movie are just mainly focusing on running and screaming the moment they hear some sounds.. Don't even know what they are running from. Really can't see anything at all in the whole movie that chases them.. Its like they are running from thin air.. And the movie comes to an end with all of them dead. Supposing the remaining 3 friends got killed by the possessed James.. U don't even get to see how James hang them. U only get to see James hung himself lastly.. What i can say is, from the start of the movie they run from nothing, hide from nothing and really die for nothing in the end.. And thanks for nothing for making this ridiculous movie.. I gave 2 points due to that nice body of that blonde and nice scenery on that open field..
markhale-22640 Hyperventilation and hand-held cameras, a form as superficial as the film title suggests. Hollow, hapless and needlessly heeding, 'Hollow' is a found-footage film made from the second-hand wool of the Blairwitch and knitted into a jumper with two legs. An unexplained documentation of the folklorish 'suicide tree' in Suffolk - a Burton-esque tree ala 'Sleepy Hollow' - results in some danged twenty-something star-crossed lovers in meeting their untimely death. But lo and behold, they've recorded it all for no apparent reason other than to bore us with a half-baked story of love triangles and an ominously rooted sapling imbued with the notoriety of the golden gate bridge.The premise, which had some room to manoeuvre but didn't, is actually the best thing about the film. The tree has some mystical quality to it: its grandeur omnipotent, its open crevice through the bark intriguing, its myth - though far-fetched - compelling. These qualities were not utilised to the film's advantage, opting for a cheap implicature (that has no resolve) and swarms of red herrings that add absolutely no value to a narrative adamantly focused on banal teeny-romances and infidelities. Griping further, the found- footage format is so ineffective that the film is a torrid watch. The camera, at least for the first half of the movie, has no motivational function at all. Even when it is used as a motorisation to the unfolding plot, it is used primarily for its light source. Innovative, yes, but for the spectator to regard, it's messy, incoherent and inadvertently abstract. It's not that there hasn't been some introspection in creating the machination of reality - the East Anglian video report at the start of the film, camera-wielding asthmatics, plumb points of perspective - it's that the filmmakers have gone ultra-rustic in their 'real' approach in attaining verisimilitude. Even the budgetary aesthetics of found-footage have some stylistic credibility, notably to make sure that the audience can buy-in to the concept and follow the story with relative ease. 'Hollow' isn't (and doesn't need to be) a compositional masterpiece - found-footage films rarely are - but it DID need some traction to tie the viewer to the film instead of the over-the-top slop on hand. As it is, the film may as well have been shot by a five year old with an iPhone. If cinematography is completely redundant, so is the shot itself and ergo the film. 'Hollow' is a film disadvantaged by the charismatic lure of guerrilla filmmaking, proof that the appeal of the found-footage technique cannot be taken for granted and is not apt unless there is a valid substantiation.
the_silver_angel_13 I have watched numerous amounts of "handy-cam" and "found footage" movies, and more keep returning to the big screen- ever since The Blair Witch Project became a big hit. Before watching I try to start with a fresh mind, hoping to find that diamond in the rough. Sadly- this movie did not make the cut. Per usual to this genre, you get a small background to both events and characters in blips of "film footage". The day filming is more coherent however, than the night filming- where you will only find ambiance in the camera light. The movie rarely picks up pace; and it seems only to do so when people are screaming and running away for no apparent reason- other than seeing mangled animal remains, complete darkness, or a man's jacket. (I also didn't appreciate how the last 25 minutes of the movie was filmed in a car... Main shots were knees in that great ambiance I spoke of.) There is also brief nudity (cute blonde takes her top off)- which seems to be found in most B-Horror these days. In conclusion, if you enjoy people yelling for missing company, noises you would never really hear in the dark, and a lot of shots of tree branches, then I would suggest this movie to you! However, I would use considerable hesitation in doing so.