Hirokin: The Last Samurai
Hirokin: The Last Samurai
R | 06 November 2012 (USA)
Hirokin: The Last Samurai Trailers

In a planet where humans must scavenge the post-apocalyptic barren wasteland, Hirokin – a reluctant warrior with a dark past – sets off on mission to fulfill his destiny. Having fought to the death to save his wife and son from the planets evil dictator – Griffin – and his elite army of hunters, the lone warrior is left for dead in the vast desert. Armed with his samurai blade, Hirokin is forced to choose between avenging the murder of his family and fighting for the freedom his people. In a twist of fate and with a small rebellion by his side Hirokin s vision finally becomes clear.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Leofwine_draca Another day, another B-movie, and in the case of HIROKIN: THE LAST SAMURAI, a B-movie content to copy bits and pieces of earlier films like GLADIATOR rather than coming up with anything original. This one was shot on a couple of desert locations and features a slumming-it Wes Bentley as the titular hero, fighter of evil, champion of the oppressed, who gets captured by a warlord and proceeds to start a revolt. The film has plenty of action sequences, but they're directed in a choppy way where you never see anything, obviously by people with no idea of proper fight choreography or how to shoot even a semi-successful fight scene. The cast is peppered with familiar faces, from PIRANHA 3D's Jessica Szohr to BRAVEHEART's Angus Macfadyen, and of course it's almost inevitable that Julian Sands plays the villain. But this is pitiful stuff indeed and barely worthy of your time.
zorrek Badly directed with even worse editing this story had a lot of potential. Fails miserably as entertainment, screen play and dialogue are even worse than the directing and editing. Production quality is almost there and the acting looks like it was all first takes with little rehearsal. I also saw bits from other movies, Gladiator, Star Wars a little of Dune. Plenty of good looking sorts in it, but even they can't save this festering mess. It would not have taken too much to have turned this into blockbuster, get Joss Weadon in to rewrite the screenplay and direct. Pay the actors a little more and give them some time to rehears.
Cinema Cid This absurdly poor creation shamelessly steals from the likes of Gladiator, Star Wars, Cyborg 2, Dune, Power Rangers, Braveheart, Mad Max 3, and ends up feeling like a lengthy montage sequence narrated by a drug addict going through withdrawal. Hirokin's hair is the craziest part of the film. It's like a crow's nest. His first girl is kinda rough in the face because the movie doesn't want us to care for her too much. Enter the smart-mouthed, wily, buxom blonde and her pretty eyes. The bad guy is laughable, he wears a man-corset; his henchmen are laughable, they wear full body armor in the desert; his woman is a venomous snake with a heart of venomous gold that just craves to be desired and bedded properly. Did they have but one stock cgi hovercraft desertmobile to spare for the entire army of evil? You bet! Oh, the mentor figure for Hirokin is some crazy plump desert samurai that talks like a homeless person. Oh I get it 'Arids'='Arabs'. Cute. I get the feeling the author of this scenario doesn't speak English as his first language, or even broken English for that matter. The entire film is riddled with moonspeak. And everybody gets to become samurai in the end. Which is brilliant. Hirokin even has a signature move - he takes his pitiful blade, holds it like a throwing spear and then he throws it, impales the target instantly, and then snaps the blade black into his girly hands.Here's a splice from the dialogue: "I have seen you in the.. battlefield of my.. mind Hirokin, you will unite the tribes, my friend, change the world, my friend. My friend. Hirokin replies: No, thank you." and promptly walks away. Thank you Hirokin. I have learned a lot today. You have changed my life. (Btw, his name means 'Sword for the downtrodden', but it's okay if you just call him Hiro)
wimle This movie reminds me of John Carter; a very poor version of it.LET'S TALK ABOUT THE BAD THINGS: First, I'd like to point out that the title is misleading - there are no Samurais in the film including the character "Hirokin". Most of the swordsmanship in the film were from Kendo, not Kenjutsu. Second, all CGI were obvious and some were even incomplete. There was even a shot of a floating ship where the top was not aligned with the screen's edge. I know the film is low-budget so I can't fault them for that but alignment should be simple enough and free of charge. Third, there were some "comedic" scenes that were out of place and should've just been excluded from the film - they were probably from "The Lord of the Rings". Fourth, the outline of the story is common and the plot is too narrow to be worthy of being a great film; they could have done so much better in ALL areas. Finally, some dialogs were amateurish and the set extras/actors were not properly directed; in some scenes, they were simply all over the place.NOW, THE GOOD THINGS: The locations were amazing except the viceroy's base. The main stars' acting were excellent. I could spot that some of their dialogs were improvised from whatever was originally on the script. The framing and scene composition were all good and professional and the lighting was superb.CONCLUSION: It's a good watch when there's nothing better lying around.