| 08 October 2004 (USA)
Hipnos Trailers

Dr Sánchez Blanch owns and operates a psychiatric hospital where he specializes in hypnotizing his severely emotionally disturbed patients.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mario_c This film is a Spanish thriller about madness and denial of reality… When you live a shocking event which deeply affect your emotional stability, your brain has the tendency to reject it, deny it, and sometimes to forget it, either you want it or not… It's a natural instinct. This is the main topic of this movie.The entire film is greatly shot and has a fantastic cinematography, which combines the surreal with the artsy, in great scenarios and camera shots. The plot is involved in mystery since the beginning and the effect of the flashbacks, the white and minimal scenarios, and the whispering voices repeating what was said, like echoes, give it the surreal and sometimes almost lunatic ambiance… The plot is confusing, complex, and not easy to understand; at least until the last five minutes, where the explanations are given, and then all makes sense…There's one sentence in the movie which I appreciated and I think that resumes it very well: "Madness is the eruption of dreams in reality. The bad thing is that you can't distinguish them…"
HumanoidOfFlesh "Hipnos" tell the story of a young and beautiful doctor Beatriz,who starts working with patients in a mental hospital.Soon she realizes that the place hides some dark secrets..."Hipnos" is quite similar to Mathieu Kassovitz's incredibly boring "Gothica".The plot seems rushed and is unoriginal,the pace is slow and some scenes are downright confusing.The acting is decent and Cristina Brondo provides some nice full-frontal nudity.The film looks pretty damn impressive,though.It's truly a shame that the plot is so dull and lifeless.Still like I said the nudity is always welcomed,so I was at least mildly interested.6 out of 10.
Paul Andrews Hipnos starts as a young attractive psychiatrist named Beatriz (Cristina Brondo) arrives at a Spanish clinic for people with metal problems where she is about to start her new job, Elena (Marisol Membrillo) show her around where she meets a troubled young girl & she then gets to meet her boss Dr. Sanchez Blanche (Feodor Atkine) who seems decent enough. At first things at the clinic seem fine but when the girl Beatriz befriended commits suicide & another patient named Miguel (Demian Bichir) claims it wasn't suicide & something very sinister is going on she gets drawn into a web of lies, sex, murder & intrigue... or does she...This Spanish production was co-written & directed by David Carreras & I thought it was absolutely bloody terrible. The script by Carreras & Juanma Ruiz Cordoba was based on a novel by Javier Azpeitia & is a slow moving psychological horror/thriller that didn't do anything for me. Now we all know how effective a great unexpected twist ending can be, I mean just look at the likes of The Sixth Sense (1999) & Fight Club (1999) to name just two films that I'm sure most people will have at least heard of if not seen, it's the careful build up & then the fantastic twist ending which make those films, right? Well if The Sixth Sense & Fight Club are the blue-prints for doing the twist ending properly this piece of crap Hipnos must surely be the perfect way to demonstrate how not to do it properly. For a start I saw the twist at the end coming within the first twenty minutes, seriously this is pretty clichéd, predictable, unoriginal & has been done before on more than one occasion, sure I didn't predict every last point & every single thing that happened but in essence I guessed who everyone were & how it was going to turn out. Then there's the small fact the ending completely destroys everything which has gone beforehand, not matter how hard I try to square the circle I just cannot & put into context with the previous 70 odd minutes the ending makes no logical sense, it annoys & isn't shocking, particularly memorable or clever & in fact it's anything but shocking, memorable or clever. Then there's the fact it's slow, there are scenes which go nowhere & I'd rather watch grass grow than watch Hipnos again, at least watching grass grow isn't as predictable or boring.Director Carreras does a fantastic job on Hipnos, while I hated the story & film in general it looks absolutely brilliant throughout. There are some wonderful scenes beautifully shot & composed so you have to try & watch this the way it was shot in 2:35:1 widescreen, the production design is amazing with the ultra modern interior & exterior of the clinic wonderfully realised, it's very minimalist with chrome & stainless steel & sleek lines everywhere, this looks the absolute business no mistake & it's a shame all the style & visual flair ended up with a script that was so bad. To try & distract you from the awful story the filmmakers made leading lady Brondo strip off on a regular basis to have a shower or bath so they can show her body & breasts off but it doesn't improve things.Technically Hipnos is absolutely flawless & is maybe the best most stylish & visually interesting film I've seen this year, if only all films looked this good I'd be a happy guy. Seriously you have to see this to appreciate it, unfortunately sitting through it isn't that much fun. The acting is strong by all involved but I never really cared for anyone to any great degree maybe because it's in Spanish & I couldn't understand what they were saying & that in itself felt like a barrier. The version I watched had English subtitles, I don't know who wrote them but they need to work on their English grammar...Hipnos is a rubbishy thriller that tries to be clever, I hated the story but loved the stunning visuals & for me the story is just more important which is why I'm giving it 2 stars out of 10. If you do want to watch this make sure you pick up a copy in widescreen!
Claudio Carvalho When the young Dr. Beatriz (Cristina Brondo) arrives in a mental institution, she finds that lots of patients are committing suicide, apparently induced by the director of the asylum, Dr. Sánchez Blanch (Féodor Atkine). The patient Miguel (Demian Bichir) tells information about the place and Beatriz discloses surprising secrets.The first sensation I had while watching "Hipnos" was a claustrophobic and discomfort emotion. The way the story is disclosed provokes bad feelings in the viewer. When the mystery is disclosed, I felt like watching a David Lynch movie, such as "Mulholland Drive", or Alejandro Amenábar's "Abre los Ojos", so weird the story is. I liked this movie a lot which I believe that it has a great potential of cult-movie. Cristina Brondo has an amazing performance, and the surprising final twist is excellent. I believe the next time I see this movie I will like it more. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Hipnos"