Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love
Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love
| 09 July 2005 (USA)
Hinokio: Inter Galactic Love Trailers

Satoru, a wheelchair-bound elementary student, locks himself away from the outside world after his mother dies. His father designs a remote-controlled robot to go to school for him, allowing him to interact with people and do normal things.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Michael I've just watched this movie. It's very touching and great story. they's no any technical features. indeed they don't make some real effect in movie. its only background. on first there are feelings of real people. and it's shown very great and subtly. you know, you just can't ignore feelings of this young boy and his new friends with their own problems. it is the movie about real life and real problems. i nearly started to cry when the basic character (boy) said to his father that he will never forget him. it's really strong moment of the film and then when he says about meeting with his mother. its really touching! i think you'll get a lot of pleasure when you'll be watching this kind story of little boy and very strong people around him.
katyx72-1 I'm very like the plot of this movie. From the first scene, still stop me of everything to see every scene... The story of the youth show on the right way, sincere in the manner and have imaginary. Modern Animation can go along with beautiful scenario of suburb of Japan in a harmonious theme. Sometime sub-ego or super-ego when we're in pain / in vain, we don't know how to cope with it. Without the REAL friend or the best friend helping, that person may stuck and can't get out of that blackhole and show off with drastic action...This picture,not only without the conflict of the youth actor in the best acting but also the person behind. I would like to thank you for the guys behind this scene. And want to see this kind of good picture again !Very impressive ! Thailand Fans
b_boysmaster90 I watch the movie because it's been rated in my local magazine. I thought I should give it a try. Then again, it's nice. But even though it's full of child imagination in it (robot friend in school, entering game's world, be friend with a cute girl friend...), the story is to typical towards the end. I know earthquake happened a lot in Japan, but please, why must you make the earthquake happened while Jun is on the top of the chimney? It's spoiled the whole movie. The climax has made the movie quality decrease... Like the story writer is so lazy to think about the scene. I think the scene is the worst part, because the earthquake made me laugh rather than be scared of Jun's fall...
Deny Hermawan It's a good movie, worth too look. The cinematography is well. The visual effect are erection yet soft. The storyline is dramatic.The characters are really Japanese stereotype, but some things are too Western. The Purgatory theme are based on the west (Christian) belief. Instead using the Samsara belief, the movie-maker try to make this film goes international by adding some west "charms", such as the purgatory (linear life), English languished theme songs, and Pinokio fable (the Blue Fairy is Eriko in the game or maybe God Himself). Somehow, it's remind me to Artificial Intelegence (Spielberg's), but the idea of taking control the robot is Japanese typical (so many films in Japan that the heroes controlling some mecha to beat the bad guy). The act of the players are good, the director choose the correct players to depict the characters (jun is so tomboy but sweet, Eriko is so pretty, the mother is so beautiful). For me, it's a fine teenage love story. Adults can take some lesson from it. Moreover, it's a story about family, how to develop good relations inside the family. Well, some things are irrational (the technology, the magic), but it's really a heartwarming movie.