Higher Power
Higher Power
R | 11 May 2018 (USA)
Higher Power Trailers

When the Universe decides what it wants, it's pointless to resist. With his family's life at stake, Joseph Steadman finds himself the unwilling test subject of a maniacal scientist in a battle that could save the world – or destroy it.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
kanenasanonas Well, another proof that IMDB rating and review quality is going downhill.After seeing the reviews I almost skipped this one. Glad that i didn't.Story: 7+ and actually a fresh take on the superhero saga Cinematography: 7 Special FX: 8, they where actually better than Justice League and on a tiny budget Acting: 5+. This is what makes this film hurt. Better star power would make it a true success.
i_hijump The superhero flick that never was. I can summarize this movie in two sentences without giving you any spoilers..."Ahhh Aaaaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh!!" and "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??"Had this movie had some actors and some dialogue other than the above two sentences it might have been a sleeper hit! As it was, the hero was horribly portrayed and wholly unbelievable. My ears were hurting from his screaming by the end of the movie.The "villain" was about as good as he was in Riddick, although that's not saying much. However, he was the bright spot in the movie... the only bright spot. Again... put some actual thought into dialog and make the hero get through the movie without making your own vocal chords hurt and you have a decent movie.
dorjeoac OK you might watch this show and not be impressed but trust me when I say stick with it and you wont be sorry. The movie was incredible.
singhmanbir-88048 The story and Graphics are awesome. This will be the next best superhero of all time. The Powers of Superman seems so dim compared to this. The execution of the story is brilliant. And the end is magnificent. Hats off to every1 involved in making the movie. Do not worry about any bad reviews your movie is perfect.