High Moon
High Moon
| 15 September 2014 (USA)
High Moon Trailers

Set in the future where the countries of Earth have established colonies to mine the Moon's resources. When a new life form is discovered, chaos erupts as various factions race to uncover and exploit its powerful secrets.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
MrPeach666 They basically threw everything but the kitchen sink into this film, but they kind of forgot the ending. :( As others have noted, it had enough turnabouts to set your head spinning, and any attempt to predict where it was going was bound to failure.I liked the noir-ish feel of the old space serials, clearly the makers of this film were heavily influenced by that genre.If you be looking for a serious SF show, you be lookin in the wrong place watching this - but if you were in the mood for a light romp with lots of plot twists, this should be just your cup 'o tea.I'd have given it an 8 if it had a more satisfactory ending.
Tattytails To be honest I wasn't expecting much but was sorely disappointed anyway.This movie was set in a futuristic scene on the moon but really didn't have what it took to pull it off. Certainly nothing like the other reviews I read and not something I would recommend even as a time waster.The script leaves a lot to be desired. It is full of puns/quips to an excess perhaps an attempt at wit that was poorly portrayed. I have to admit, I didn't finish the movie so no spoilers here. The costumes didn't have much thought and to me seemed like orange striped pajamas with moon helmets, quite out of place for a movie. The props weren't much different, garden hoses for plant vines, corny plastic flower etc. The acting fit in with the rest of the movie. Stiff and awkward. On a positive note, it was nice to see someone can make a movie that is not full of crass language but I didn't decide to turn it off when it came to the same sex love scenes. Perhaps there was a chance it got better later but I think I gave it more time than it was worth. All I can say is there is better things to waste your time on! I think a 2 out of 10 is more than generous
Liam Blackburn This was a delightful sci fi movie. Made for "TV".......I guess, considering that TV is produced almost as well as multi-million dollar high budget feature films these days. THis had humour as well as intrigue and mystery. Also there was an element of Marxist propaganda. The moon, as of course we all know, is hollow inside. The moon never changes rotation. THe moon is an old celestial planet that decayed on the outside long ago. Yet, humans still don't seem to remember the distant past when it was a flourishing life-pod used by our reptilian ancestors to make shipments of food and humans to the then-young Earth. Let us not forget the real origins of the moon. Let us not lose our Earth by mining away all its energy so that we have to look to the moon for our sustenance.
thegene-2 I generally do not write a spoiler but I think people really need to be warned in advance about this one. I will tell you up front that the movie may well be worth watching as the prime example of how to make a move and how not to make a movie. This is a great movie and a terrible movie at the same time.That is why it is a 5 and not a 1 or a 9. The actors were very good half the time and very bad half the time. The script was very good half the time and very bad half the time. The special effects were very good half the time and very bad half the time. It seemed like every type of element you could think about that you would rate a movie on was good half the time and bad half the time. I wonder if in reality, part was made in Canada and part in Japan. And if they had a very experienced director half the time and a new to the business one the other half of the time. There were parts that I couldn't wait to see what would happen next and parts where I would actually shake my head as to how silly or strange or stupid it was about what was going on. It often felt like they were inserting things that were very advanced and yet other things that were back in the Jurassic period. And yes, there is a mechanical T-Rex in the movie. Probably what made it so noticeable was that it often seemed like it was on some sort of schedule where you run 10 minutes of good and then 10 minutest of bad and go back and forth. I could spend 10,000 words on why this movie is not the great sci-fi movie that it could have been, but I think I have beat up on it enough. I should mention though that unless you are a speed reader, the Russian translation to English of the words on the screen are far far to fast for the average person. And there is so much of it that I got tired of pushing the pause button so I could read it and just read the first few words that I could catch. But the end destroyed it for me. You know how they end movies sometime with the strongest of indication that a sequel is almost for sure in production. Well, they never got to that. Basically the movie ended before the end. I am not sure what happened. I checked my clocks (more than one). I checked the run time of the movie. I even thought it was chapter one or a TV series. So exactly how bad was the ending. It was so bad that this comment is most IMPORTANT that it . . . . . . . . . . . (thus my review is complete just like the movie was)