High Hopes
High Hopes
R | 24 March 2006 (USA)
High Hopes Trailers

Hollywood hopeful Tom Murphy and his posse are pinning their dreams of success on having Tom’s famous girlfriend star in their first feature. That is, until she dumps him. Now the plan is to steal a case of government-issued marijuana, return it to the FBI and use the reward money to finance their movie, creating a hilarious comedy about big plans and the lengths friends will go to for a good bud.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
david-sarkies This movie was so bad that I am embarrassed admitting that I watched it. The plot was not consistent and the jokes were not funny. Okay, Jason Mewes (who play Jay in the Kevin Smith movies) plays a stoner, and does a reasonable job at it, but that simply does not go far enough to resurrect this movie from the pits of horribleness.The plot, if one would call it that, involves a suitcase of government marijuana that is stolen and then given to a dealer to hold. The dealer's supplier is then killed in a gun fight, and the dealer is left with two million dollars worth of marijuana to get rid of, and he does what most dealers do in that situation, and sells it. The main characters in this movie are a group of wanna-be actors and film makers (along with the standard Californian stoner) who are trying to raise enough money to break into the scene. Well, they are also getting into the Hollywood scene by lying and cheating. One of their girlfriends is testing her boyfriend by leaving her death and dumb cousin (who ends up not being deaf and dumb) with them to see if he is a decent guy. As it turns out he is not.Personally, I find jokes where a bunch of dropouts are looking after a disabled person to be in very poor taste, and that is basically what this movie was, poor taste. The characters do not grow or learn anything, and in fact they get away with their deceit (to an extent, because the deaf and dumb guy pulls a fast one on them by taking the marijuana for himself).So, I've basically told you all about this movie now, so there should be no surprises, therefore you can leave it on the shelf of the video store (or skip over it when looking for a movie to stream over your computer).
Jackpollins Tom (Corin Nemec) is in a rut. His famous girlfriend has dumped him, and he is completely broke. His friends, including a drug addict named Quebert (Jason Mewes), and Ben (David Faustino) plan to steal money anyway they can. This includes lying to Sean Connery's agent, Patrick (Andy Dick). This all rounds up to a funny con film. I thought of it as a film with laughs, and clever cons. I will admit, I thought this is a great cast, which is why when I saw it in the video store, I had to see it. I had no idea what the hell this was, my expectations very low, but I loved it. It was excellent, a charming little comedy. It was nice to see a cast of people like Danny Trejo, Jason Mewes, Andy Dick, Lacey Chabert, Edward Furlong, and Robert Rodriguez in a movie together without making it too over the top or raunchy. It's a calm, great little movie. It never tries to be more than it's not, and it's very clever. It's unpredictable, with a lot of surprises in store. I thought the end twist was a surprising and funny one. It made me feel that Hollywood needs way more movies like this, and then maybe, just maybe, Hollywood will be great once again.
meadelston This movie is very funny and I think that people all over the world should see it. It has some good one liners like "in my heaven it's endless tofu balls, tube socks and boobies" the guys replies "your heaven sounds likes a sweat shop" another good one "I'm going snorkeling and won't be coming up for air, that's how good I am " It's worth your time. See it, yo.I like it, it's good.I have to write 10 lines but I don't have anything else to say.It's good, it's funny, see it.See it when it comes out.
phyrebug This movie was really good, if you like Jason Mewes or just comedy movies this is the movie for you. I had a great time hanging out with all the actors in the film, and I definitely give it a 10! I can't wait until it comes out. I have to say that i loved the ending it was a very cool twist, and I think that speaking snooplish would be awesome. My favorite part was at the beginning when Jason Mewes and Jason Marsden are playing with the soda glass, and the salt. I personally don't think that Wendel should have took the money, but he did a great job pretending to be retarded, even when Edward furlong was supposed to be babysitting him, or when they were in the pool. Great job guys it was a superb script!