Heyy Babyy
Heyy Babyy
| 24 August 2007 (USA)
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Three handsome Sydney bachelors Aroush, Tanmay and Al – are having the time of their lives in Sydney. They flirt around, and have numerous conquests to their credit. They suddenly find their dating and mating rituals destroyed when a dimpled little roommate lands up on their doorstep. When it comes to babies, they’re total zeroes and this bundle of joy is anything but joyous.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Roland E. Zwick As if one were needed, "Heyy Babyy" is a two-hour-plus remake of the1987 hit "Three Men and a Baby" (which was itself an adaptation of a French film from 1985). This Bollywood production features three swinging bachelors from India who share a swanky apartment in a high class quarter of Sydney, Australia. One day they find an abandoned baby on their doorstep, along with a note declaring that one of the men - it's not stated which - is the girl's father. Naturally, this leads to all kinds of predictable slapstick hijinks as the three inept and bumbling playboys take on the new and challenging role of "fathers" to this adorable tyke.It's hard to convey just how grueling - nay, excruciating - an experience sitting through "Heyy Babyy" turns out to be. What with all the pratfalling and mugging and fast-motion photography, "Heyy Babyy" makes even the most inane Three Stooges short look like a Noel Coward play in comparison. Suffice it to say the script is unbelievably banal, the comic ideas antiquated and poorly executed, and the acting so cheesy and over-the-top that, after only a few minutes' exposure to this drivel, you'll be agreeing with the French as to the comic genius of Jerry Lewis.Yet, the only thing more insufferable than "Heyy Babyy" when it's in a playful mood is "Heyy Babyy" when it's being all high-minded and sanctimonious, cranking up the goo to almost unimaginable proportions, as this "angel sent from God" turns three self-indulgent and immature womanizers into hyper-sensitive and morally responsible young men - and the audience into a bunch of oohing and aahing sentimental slobs.So if your idea of a good time is religious symbolism mixed with poop jokes (and padded out to an unendurable length with endless musical numbers), by all means feel free to indulge yourself in all that "Heyy Babyy" has to offer in that regard. Otherwise, run for your life as far and as fast as you can the moment "Heyy Babyy" appears on a screen near you.
enigma_meets_reality I don't think I've ever felt more demoralised and disgusted watching a Bollywood flick. The AWFUL Akshay Kumar and those two other idiots make for a stomach churning viewing experience. Even the apparent comedy isn't funny. The very talented Vidya Balan was wasted on this one too. The soundtrack terrible on the whole.Worst aspect was seeing the three buffoons as camp father figures. I was hoping the movie would end when Angel's mother took the baby away from them.And I'm fed up of Bollywood movies becoming so westernised. Do a movie which actually reflects something about India!
anandmittal The moment i got to know that "Sajid Khan" was directing the film, i had already lost any hopes of the movie being any good anyways because he already has a very idiotic, blunt and stunted sense of humor and such a guy making a whole comedy movie.....Still i took my chances! What more of a disaster can one expect!...the guy didn't disappoint, he not only created a stupid piece of cinema, made look the actors foolish, screwed up the screenplay, senseless direction & not only this but ruined even the script which was clearly like almost every Bollywood Movie nowadays lifted form a Hollywood original....well in this case it was "Three Men and A Baby"... There's hardly anything that can be said more about it, i just wish i could abuse the director on his face and for making me suffer!
lucyliu1on1@gmail.com This film may have earned a couple of extra stars if it was not for some distasteful content in the film. The manner that this film dealt with the specific key turning point in the lives of the 3 main male characters at which point they change their feelings towards the baby girl is alien to me as a UK westerner.What starts out as a mild comedy, turns in to horror and disgust, when these 'so called' lovable guys shouted "bitch" at a crying baby girl after which they dump her outside a church where she almost drowns and dies! It's not that I am not used to seeing shocking scenes, but these 2 scenes were completely out of context from the flow of the rest of this film, and left you with nothing but disdain for the 3 main characters and their transformation in to lovable caring father figures.Totally tactless on the part of the director.
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