Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy
PG-13 | 19 April 2003 (USA)
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The abduction of beautiful Helen, wife of Spartan King Menelaus, by Paris of Troy triggers a long war.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Kirpianuscus because it gives more than you expect after many others adaptations of "Iliad". because it respects the spirit of epic and gives a realistic image about society, characters, war and emotions. because it is more than a pretty drawing but a large, inspired fresco. and it has its way for tell a huge story in the right manner. maybe, this is the basic motif for see it. because it is real good return to the spirit of Homer work. and that could be the best answer to the critics about it.
Steven Torrey I liked the movie. It gives a good review of the events that led to the Trojan war. Questions regarding the exact nature of Helen are still debated in scholarly circles. Was she manipulator of people and events, or a victim of events? Did she run off willingly with Paris/Alexander or was she abducted? Was she a flake or was she some sort of über-woman? Sienna Guilory plays to all of these questions. At one moment a waif and when needed--über-woman; at one moment a victim, at another a perpetrator. The role is not as easy to play as one might think.But what if someone like Elizabeth Hurley was cast as Helen? Someone with body size to go with the indomitable and chameleon spirit of Helen? Would there be a different sense to the movie and to Helen as a theatrical role? Complaints about fidelity to the ancient text are duly noted; like reading the Cliff notes, a movie ain't the best way to crib for tomorrow's exam on the Iliad. Helen of Troy. Her story is one that grew over the years and with every accretion changed. In 'Agamemnon', Aeschylus doesn't even want to mention her name, she is a betrayer of Greece. Euripides' "Helen" might be regarded as the first bastardized story-line of the original from the Iliad. The Trojan Horse is an incident from the Odyssey and takes very few lines; Vergil's Aeneid discusses the Trojan Horse in any detail. So to think the viewer is watching an interpretation of Homer's Iliad, better re-read the original.The Greek story can be complicated to follow, especially for the modern viewer. I thought they did an admirable job of getting the general idea--even if some of the details were lost in translation.
ariadne1984 Reasonably well-made, and quite an entertaining watch --- as long as you don't expect anything more from it! If you watch this movie for reasons other than for entertainment, chances are you'll be disappointed --- it has little to do with the "Iliad" and less to do with the history. It has numerous interpolations which are nowhere to be found in the mythology, but that is the privilege of the authors. With most of these I have no quarrels ---- they streamline the plot and give it a certain connectivity --- but I must protest at the idea that Agamemnon rapes Helen, which seems to me to be a particularly tasteless and unnecessary interpolation. Agamemnon has faults enough, but this is one act he has never ever been accused of. Besides, it is completely out of keeping with his character --- Agamemnon is, above all, an ambitious man, and ambitious men do not go to war over a woman, no matter how beautiful. Agamemnon wants Troy, so that he can control the whole Agaean, and that is why he goes to war; Helen is an excuse, a pretext. I was also disappointed with the characterization of the two great heroes, Achilles and Hector; the one comes across as a suicidal madman, the other as an arrogant wimp. However, the rest of the cast is quite acceptable, Cassandra is played very well, and Agamemnon superbly --- the film may be called "Helen of Troy", but Agamemnon is the real star of the show. Watch it when you have time, it's fun enough.
prakash_brahaspat This is the most inaccurate film on the Trojan war. Achilles and Agamemnon were never on the same page. This movie makes it seem as if they were friends when they really hated each other. In the real story there was never a conversation between Paris and Menalaus. Achilles was shot in the heel when Troy was burned. Furthermore the whole Trojan war was about the glorification of Achilles this movie barely mentions Achilles. This is the worst version of The Illiad ever told, for accuracy watch Troy. In Troy it truly makes you feel as if you are reading The Illiad this movie does such a bad job that Homer is probably turning in his grave as we speak. Don't watch this movie it is horrendous and a joke of the true story.
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