Hearts of Fire
Hearts of Fire
R | 09 May 1990 (USA)
Hearts of Fire Trailers

A reclusive musician, once a huge rock star, takes a young female protegee. While on a tour she meets a younger, more popular rocker and switches her loyalties.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
John Cool Hmmm. A "Bob Dylan movie" I'd never heard of before and thought to myself Oh no, not again. Surely it couldn't be worse than, say, Masked and Anonymous, or the saga of Renaldo and Clara? So I started to read some reviews and was surprised at how bad it's supposed to be. In the end, I was reticent to even watch it. Well I did just watch it and for me, I enjoyed it thoroughly.It's definitely not a cinematic masterpiece by any stretch. The draw card for me was seeing Dylan in an old movie. Wasn't expecting much, (expecting to fall asleep).It's difficult to say if a viewer has no interest in Dylan, (or Fiona), what the reaction would be. This movie is nearly 30 years old. Dylan is usually no great actor in films. Here he seems to be "acting" as himself, (whoever he is), with some iconic lines.It's definitely a much better movie than many critics portray it as. Better than a lot of the new crap I've suffered through.
angie-235 I am a Rupert Everett fan so I knew I had to see this despite a horrible memory of watching it years ago when I had no idea who R.E was. The main problem is that only R.E seems capable of acting and he's trying to hold himself back. What is even stranger is a folk star a girl who plays what I'd describe as heavy metal and a New Romantic are all supposed to be a mix that will work. The best thing you can do is read Rupert's description of this fool of a girl jumping out of bed when she hears he's gay .........a groupie who'd hung about with The Doors I read somewhere .Dylan is worse than awful , it's a mess with no story and no real idea of who it's trying to appeal to. I gave it 3 for Rupert's stand-out acting in one of the worst films ever.
renaldo and clara ..if you're not a fan of either, you may not be able to stand the cheese! Well, it seemed pretty low-budget; not many characters get introduced. Though the script didn't have much, it was still better than having stupid dialogue.. For Dylan fans, if you've seen <Don't Look Back> or even interviews with him, you already know that he likes doing things his way, and sometimes pushing people's buttons. That's why it's funny to watch him "sleepwalk" through his character, as someone said, you have a feeling you're watching "the" Bob on a set acting, and *that's* hilarious! Punching someone, trashing his hotel room, etc. I only wish there was even more romance going on between Bob and Fiona :) Fiona's really cute and sexy, and has a great voice; she defines the 80's rock star. Rupert Everett was just a tiny baby way back then, playing the "next generation -big $ 80's music industry" part well. It seemed like his mullet had been growing out since it was cut to look like Bono's..If it was even real.. A decent flick..watch it for Dylan, Fiona, and the wonderful music they play together. And the Zim punching Everett's character is just classic/charming!-Heidi
odeur japonais This should be the classic of all the dramas which intends to lead by something more than a story.Music naturally seems to fit in it and the surroundings are pretty documentary and simple.The "sleepy"town and an "ordinary"girl with husky voice and not so handsome guy brightens. Personally I saw the girl as the symbolic of AMERICA,living to keep and show her passion,with a lion like hair and never try to hide it.