| 17 March 2010 (USA)
Heartbreaker Trailers

Alex and his sister run a business designed to break up relationships. They are hired by a rich man to break up the wedding of his daughter. The only problem is that they only have one week to do so.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
MartinHafer "Heartbreaker" is worth seeing. However, it's also very frustrating to watch because the film starts off wonderfully and through the course of the film it just sort of fizzles. It's a real shame as the first 10 minutes is magical!The film starts with a man and woman on vacation in Egypt. However, they don't seem very compatible and soon she is being wooed by a very nice stranger. Then you learn that the stranger is not there by accident. He and his partners make up a strange service--one that helps break up toxic relationships. In other words, parents or friends who KNOW you are in a bad relationship can pay these schemers to destroy the couple. However, these folks are NOT totally mercenary. They won't break up genuinely happy and healthy couples nor will they break folks up for ridiculous reasons like race. So, the viewer actually LIKES the work these people do.Soon after this wonderful intro, a group of mob types announce that they service is inexplicably heavily in debt--and they must produce the money fast or else. So, they take a job from a nasty guy--and their commitment to their ethics is challenged. After all, the couple seem very happy, well-matched and decent. Can the breakup artist STILL do his job when given this sort of situation?Had the film been more episodic like the beginning and showed funny scenarios of breakups, it might have worked much better for me. Having the focus ONLY on this one couple with few problems was very problematic--as it became a bit dull AND the finale made zero sense at all. Nor did the friend that the lady had--as they seemed way too different in values and attitude to make it believable that they'd ever be friends. It's a shame, as the film did start off well and it does have some really nice moments scattered through the picture--but it just tried my attention span as it progressed and the film was a mild misfire.
paul2001sw-1 Often I wonder at how much better films made in continental Europe often seem to be than typical English-language movies; of course, part of the explanation may simply be that, as a resident of England, one only tends to see the best of European cinema. And as if to prove the point, here comes 'Hertabreaker', a film whose sole raison d'etre appears to be to demonstrate that the French can make a romantic comedy every bit as drearily predicable as the Americans. All the expected elements are here: the grand wedding, the affluent backdrop, the preposterously constructed plot, the nymphomaniac best friend, the character who falls in love without meaning to, the heavy reliance on a familiar soundtrack, and of course, the eventual, inevitable choice between two very different men. Just as predictable is the absence of any real laughs. Right at the end, I did wonder if the film was going to surprise me with a departure from the normal ending for this kind of rubbish; I won't spoil the plot by stating whether or not it did, but I will say that by this point, I was well past caring either way.
blahblahblah12345 At first I was really enjoying this for what it was. The premise of being hired to get girls to break up with their fiancé's was really fun for a rom-com and there were some genuine laughs. But the film was severely lacking in character development, and I don't think I've ever seen a rom-com where the leading man was so much more unlikeable than "the other guy". I would have been okay with all this if the girl ended up with her original boyfriend, but of course they force the predicable choice on you which ends up being so unsatisfying because there was nothing throughout the movie to really justify it. It brought the film from maybe 6 or 7 stars down to 3 for me it was that bad, because it just showed the filmmakers had no idea what they were doing.1) They oversold the girls original relationship way too much... It was flat out said they had never seen a couple more in love and that he was the perfect boyfriend and the "heartbreak team" were only breaking them up because they needed money. Not a great start, but at least at this time time there was still room to fix it by revealing actual flaws in the boyfriend or actually having her end up with him, neither of which happened unfortunately.2) They didn't give the other guy ANY flaws. His only problem were his pretentious parents for making the girl feel like crap when they were eating, but I felt just as bad for him in that scene because he was clearly embarrassed by them and if anything he ended up having the most noble moment of the film by standing up for his fiancé to their faces. The whole "he was safe" and "the other guy is exciting" argument really wasn't established either... I mean he was willing to hop on a jet and get married in Vegas until the main guy interfered by spewing lies.3) The only background we get of the girl is she was once a groupie that caused her to miss her mom's funeral... Umm, I think the writers were confused. This had the opposite effect of what it should have had. They should have had her say that the time was the most fun she had in her life but she ended up getting hurt or something and was too afraid to ever go back so she settled for her new boyfriend because he was "safe" or whatever... Don't tell me she was an irresponsible bitch that skipped her mom's funeral because she was too busy being a whore. That just makes me think going for the "exciting" guy will lead her back down a path of similarly poor and selfish decisions.4) If the girl didn't seem like a bitch yet, by the runaway scene it should be clear. She doesn't say I'm sorry? She doesn't explain to her fiancé why she's going to leave him at the altar? Hell, she didn't even look at him, she gave this creepy smirk and bolted while he was left standing there alone for his cruel parents to just stare at him with judgment... I couldn't have felt sorrier for him.5) And to add insult to injury, they try to plug in a budding relationship for this great but now abandoned guy by pairing him with the girl's best friend that has been established as a crazy nympho that will marry him for his money and cheat on him as soon as she can. What were the writers thinking? Is there some cute irony there I am missing? Was it just supposed to be funny to kick a man when he's down? Well it wasn't.Really such an unsatisfying that exposed all of the movie's flaws and ruined what could have been a charming romantic comedy.
thisissubtitledmovies excerpt, more at my location - Most Hollywood romantic comedies manage to be about as funny as having a tooth pulled with a pair of rusty pliers and as romantic as a Valentine's Day card written by accountants, but French director Pascal Chaumeil's debut feature is a breath of fresh air: stylish, witty, and with a romantic streak that is sweetly endearing, not sickly. Heartbreaker may not rewrite the rom com rulebook, but it's certainly a cut above the norm.In many ways, Heartbreaker is a thoroughly conventional rom com, and an ideal date movie for the unadventurous, but director Pascal Chaumeil is clearly a new talent who knows how to make something ordinary a little out of the ordinary.
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