Heartbreak Hotel
Heartbreak Hotel
| 07 October 2006 (USA)
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Elisabeth and Gudrun are two Swedish divorcées, both over 40, who meet when Elisabeth parks her car on a loading zone and is ticketed by Gudrun. Despite this shaky start, a friendship grows between the two. Elizabeth, a gynecologist, is sexy and confident. She leads the shy Gudrun through the dangerous waters of single life. But as they cavort through the dance floors and bars of Stockholm's nightlife they are led to a deeper examination of the relationships with men.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
sartor023 I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by this film. Great acting and writing and directing! All of the characters were well fleshed out, and fun to 'live' with on screen. Moving and touching at times, and funny and good witted at others.. It's such a treat to see what's happening in other countries film wise! I tend to think Hollywood no longer has the last word on film anymore! Many other writers/directors/actors in many other countries are constantly coming out with engaging and fun movies! I so enjoy to see other parts of the world and their homes and culture... Great film making!
marcus_Df I'm a 29 years male but still found this movie one of the better ones I've seen lately. I must say I'm really surprised. It touches your heart and u really feel joy and pain with these two people like I very rarely feel watching movies. Seldom have I laughed so much in a movie without jokes. U can tell its a director that knows what hes doing. So even though older women will get the most out of this movie, don't think for a moment the rest of us cant enjoy it.So don't be afraid to say, hey guys, lets go and watch Heartbreak Hotel! And any1 with a mother, buy a ticket as a present and get her to the movies right this moment!
torgust-1 Colin Nutley is back with a film that finds a big audience. I think maybe it's his best film since his big success Änglagård. Many (divorced) middle-age women will surely love the film. Anyway they did in the audience I watched the film in. Marie Lundqvist is as usual a magnificent actor. She can act any feeling in a very convincing way and her appearance makes you somewhat forget the obvious weaknesses in the script. On the whole the acting is god and the scenes seems to be improvised in usual Colin Nutley - manner. This makes most scenes very authentic if often surrealistic.The film makes you laugh at a lot of funny and embarrassing situations, but offers little but confusion about how to handle your life likewise with the people in the film. It's just quite good entertainment for the moment. Women and sisterhood is at the center of the film. Men don't get much credit and Nutley also takes the opportunity to make a friendly? attack on the film icon Ingmar Bergman.
erik This is simply awful. A load of sloppy dildo-humor and incoherent lines of dialog. The movie lacks definite focus to a point where you wonder if the film ever had a script, the ending is by far the most idiotic resolution I have ever seen. Stay away, or you might have nightmares; this movie is simply the definition of a "failed comedy" film... The acting is decent and the directing is OK, but this does not save it from being extremely painful to watch, I would rather burn alive than see this piece of crap again. The obvious targeted costumer here is a middle aged Swedish old lady who thinks movie like "Shindlers list" and "The Godfather" is too serious and violent. Conclusion: Swedish films generally suck. I know, I'm a swede.